Monday, June 14, 2010

Hey who turned off the air conditioner?! It is hot!

Speaking of which, who came up with the crazy time machine that just shot me up to the end of my mission?!
It really doesnt feel like it - I dont know how to explain it, but it just feels so weird.
But no thinking about that - I got work to do (lots of it)!
We just ended another incredible week, with Bro. Fukuhara being baptized. Not gonna lie, for a second I thought it wouldnt go through. On wednesday we had the interview and my good friend Elder Spohr (whos in Uwajima) came up to perform the interview. I sat outside in the hallway waiting, and praying... then praying some more.... then after some more praying, I waited and listened to each question:
-Do you believe in God the Eternal Father? Do you believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God, that He is the Savior and redeemer of the world?
-Wakaran!! (I dunno!!)
... oh boy...
And so it was question after question, and I just kept on praying.
But its funny, Heavenly Father has a way to make the impossible possible. I prayed about the baptism before and I felt a good confirmation on it - I felt at peace that it was going to happen. So I dont know why I worried so much afterwards.
After all the questions were done, Elder Spohr received some incredible inspiration and asked "Do you love your daughter?"
Then he pointed to his own daughter and said "I love her!" then by himself he pointed to his wife and said "I love her too!"
Elder Spohr then testified that through Jesus Christ, by living the Gospel, he could be with them forever. And then he asked him if he was willing to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized, and strive to keep the commandments for the rest of his life. The answer was an "All right". The Spirit confirmed his readiness and although he may not fully undesrtand it all, ... well, who really does right? ... he understands enough and is willing to show that faith. At the baptism, there was an incredible Spirit as a family became that much closer to becoming an Eternal Family.
Both my companion and I went into the water to help him, and my companion performed the baptism. It was a wonderful sight that I will never forget. As he came out of the water, everyone held their breath thinking that water went in... but he was all right!! He came out with a huge smile, all happy. Daijoubu da!!!
It really was an incredible week here and this place is burning with the Spirit. Everyone is excited about the work, and this next Sunday during District Conference (since its not quite a stake yet) its said to have President Monson speaking, (via satellite broadcast, I wish it was in real life) and directing his talk solely towards the Church in Japan. Were excited to hear the prophets voice directed towards this beautiful piece of land in the Pacific.
"But great are the promises of the Lord unto them who are upon the isles of the sea" (2 Ne 10:21) And oh how they are.
I testify from the bottom of my heart that this IS the work of the true and living God. That Jesus of Narazeth, the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind is truly the head of this Church, and conducts His affairs through true prophets, seers, and revelators. That He truly did restore the fulness of the Gospel through Joseph Smith and that as we abide by the precepts of His restored Gospel we can come closer to Him and know Him - which path leads to eternal families. I love this Gospel, and I love the Savior. I stand amazed at what He did for me, and I am in pure awe at His love and support. Through Him, all that is impossible is made possible. He truly is the Savior of the world. He is MY Savior, MY friend, and MY personal counselor and comforter. He leads and lights my paths, and in Him is my true and everlasting joy. Oh, how I love Him.
Im grateful for these two years, where the Savior took me, a meaningless little piece of clay, and molded me into someone I never even imagined I could be. I know that He really did Atone for me and my sins, as well as all those who have faith and believe in His name. These two years have become my life, for they drew me close to my Savior. Without them I would be nothing. But because of them I came to know Jesus the very Christ, the Son of God, and Creator. My mission means everything to me. I am so grateful to have had the priviledge to work alongside so many faithful disciples of the Savior and come to know Him by experiencing His hand in my life. This is my joy and my salvation. Even the Lord Jesus Christ. I say these things, and testify with all the energy of my soul that He lives - that He is the way - in His holy name, Jesus Christ, amen.
With all my love, gratitude, and deep respect,

Elder Victor Muniz Sanzovo Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission (7/2008 - 6/2010)