Monday, December 28, 2009

... and a happy new year!

Shinnen ga akete omedeto gozaimasu!
And thats happy new year in Japan - or something like that... I hope this email finds you all healthy and well, despite difficult circumstances, and that you still have the Spirit of Christ(mas) in your hearts, and will continue to do so for the next year.
I have had a chance to look back and see how many different ways Ive been truly blessed this year, and you all are part of those blessings. I love this Gospel, and Im truly thankful for it, for in spite of our circumstances, we can know that all our trials will make us better people, and hopefully draw us closer to our Savior, our Rock and our Redeemer. We need only be humble, and have an open heart to listen to what the Creator wants us to learn. It is an advantage to know, as latter-day saints, that the Atonement has been wrought, that the victory has been won, and that we have the everlasting power of the Atonement available to us through modern day Revelation and restored Priesthood power and keys.
Whatever circumstances were found in, the Savior is always there with his arm of mercy extended to those who are humble enough to heed His call. It is my hope that were all humble enough to accept the Saviors loving-grace and mercy, and that well continue to do so throughout our lives, shining His light to those around us.
Yonago is currently booming with excitement and miracles. We saw the baptism of Kimachi yesterday, a 12 yr-old friend of a member. She was brought to Church through the sweet and innocent faith of her 11 yr old friend, and she entered the waters of baptism within the sight of her mom. We have the after baptism lessons scheduled with the mom, so were excited at what the new year will bring.
These will be my last 6 months as a missionary, and Im so excited for whats in store. The mission President has called for a mission wide rally for 90 baptisms until I return, and so everyone is getting down on their knees and pouring out their hearts for the opportunity to help these 90 brothers and sisters to come to Christ. It is a great call, and challenging times will be ahead - but certainly along with miracles and joy beyonf description in the work of Salvation of His children.
Im truly thankful for each one of you and the many sacrifices make. Youre a great example to me, and I hope that the light of the Gospel will continue to burn as we come closer to our Savior and Redeemer, Wonderful, Couselor, The MIghty God, the Prince of Peace, even Jesus Christ, is my prayer, in His holy name, amen. With all my love,

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mobs may combine, armies may...

...assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of the Lord will go forth boldly, nobly and independent - unless its a nasty case of the swine flu.
So this is it. It finally got me. I got the swine flu. I was down 2 days with aches and a fever, but now Im ok. I got a pretty nasty cough as a present, but Swine Flu Santa has now gone and visited all the little children. Sister Takeuchi got it too, as well as some 15 people in the ward - which caused a somewhat comical Christmas sacrament meeting. Investigators kids also got it. People that we housed also got it. Its a big old viral peace pipe of fever. The work is doing good, but I wish we could have worked more in order to find more people to teach. Its been a rough week, but I felt the love of the Lord deeply, especially as I lay there in my futon.
I really felt that because I was sick in bed, that I was far away from the Lord, but as I prayed, I felt the Lord so close, comforting me and helping me have the rest I needed. He truly carried me, even on something just as simple as a sickness - it goes to show how much the Atonement spans. I am truly thankful to have had this experience, and it helped me to know just one more way that the Savior has blessed me and supported me.
Looks like were still looking good for the 27th for the baptism, so were getting very excited and there are another couple of people that could get baptized very quickly too. I feel like Im leaving the area coming the new year so I will have ample opportunities to grow and develop even more. Im excited and were setting some very high goals as a mission for baptisms.
Oh, and before I forget. Last week we got our first snowstorm of the year, and it completely took over Yonago. It was really pretty but working in it became an interesting experience as our bikes tracked through the snow.
I love you all, and hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas. Stay warm, and remember to stay close to the Lord, for He truly is the Light and Life, and as we learn of Him and follow His footsteps, we will never walk in darkness, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Love, (and a warm Merry Christmas)

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, December 14, 2009

I'll be home for Christmas...

Gomen nasai....
How is everyone doing? Hope your Christmas is as bright as mine - being away in all. I love being a missionary. It helped realized how many blessings the Lord has poured upon my life. It has helped me gain a greater testimony of the Savior and Ive been able to come closer to Him by living a more Gospel centered life, and my heart is abounding with gratitude and love for all those around me, especially my family. I love my family with all my heart and Im so grateful for the countless sacrifices they have made in my behalf, allowing me to serve the Lord with all my heart. And all those friends who are also family to me too, all their love and support.
I am so blessed to have the Gospel in my life. As I was sitting after lunch yesterday, I was pondering upon the many blessings weve been given recently and I turned to my companion and said: Im so tired, but Im so happy. I love being a missionary.
He kind of looked at me weird but he understood.
Im sad because this is the last Christmas Ill spend as a missionary. I cant believe I only have 4 transfers left - I dont want it to be over. I love this marvelous work. Which brings me to my next point:
We were on the way to Zone COnference in Okayama, good 2.5 hours by bus. I fell asleep shortly after our rest stop, only to wake up to a really strange feeling of something being wrong. I looked back and behind the sisters, there was a young woman, probably around our age, going into convulsions. She was having an epileptic attack. My first thought was `grab her tongue` (good old boy scouts huh?) so she doesnt chole ot death. It was pretty violent and it was difficult to keep her down. The next thing that came to me was to give her a blessing. As my companion struggled to grab her tongue (getting his finger bit in the process), I administered one of the quickest blessings Ive ever given. Blessing her to be healed, not 2 seconds passed and she was back asleep. Her body convulsed again, and after a quick prayer she stopped. The paramedics eventually came to us on the side of the road, taking her to a nearby hospital. It was scary but it was incredible to see that kind of a miracle right there and then. I call it the miracle on the bus.
I hope that all of you have an unforgettable holiday season as you let the light of the Savior come into your life through love and obedience to His commandments. I know Ill be trying pretty hard to. I love each and every one, and I testify that Jesus is the very Christ, and that He lives and loves each and every one of us. As we come to Him, He will heal us through the Atonement. And so I testify in His name, Jesus Christ, amen.
With all my love,

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Konnichiwa!! Hows everyone doing? Hows December treating you now. Cold? Over here, ...`not so much`.
Anyways, now that were over my terrible English, not much has happened this last week. It was good and weve been able to find some good people to teach. Recently the number of people in our teaching pool has increased (a lot - and dramatically when compared to the missionaries in the past)- however hard it is to get appointments with people. The members, especially the Bishop and our Ward Mission Leader are really thrilled with whats happening in the ward. They are super excited and keep telling us that they dont want us to ever transfer haha.
Although were hearing that, I feel like we could do so much more. My vision of this area is over 4 times of what were doing right now. I feel like were working hard, but not as effective as we could. For example, time wasted on travel, not being effective when visiting members, etc.
Its been an incredible past few months in this wonderful city that has grown in my heart. The members are incredible. The finding - while difficult - is fun. And weve been able to see so many miracles. Many which happened within myself. But, all these things are just a shadow of I think the Lord has in store for this place. Like Paul, I resound, "Although I sound with the tongue of angels, if I have not charity, I am nothing." Like "tinkling cymbals". And thats where we come back to. The old age problem (and the sister missionaries complaint) "I dont have enough charity." Thats something Ive been working really hard on lately. "Why do I want to see baptisms?" "Why do I want to teach more?" "Why do I want to find people?"It all lies in love - or better, charity, the pure love of Christ. The same love that endured until death, that has patience with my weaknesses, my sins, and mistakes, and the same love that freely forgives. If my motives are pure in the Lord, I can become a stronger instrument in His hands.
I love this work. I love Japan and the Japanese people. But I need to love them more. But not just them, everyone. If I seek to love God, I need to seek to love my fellow brothers and sisters more too. And that love fills with joy and peace. Its incredible.
I love you all, and I hope that together, we can all seek to develop that kind of love by asking the Father, this Christmas season, as we remember the birth of Him who loves us so much, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, November 30, 2009

Time flies...

 Hows it going everyone?! Thank you so much for the letters and love. I feel my Saviors love through your love and service - thank you so much!
mIn Yonago its finally (kind of) looking like winter... well, fall I guess. The leaves just went red and brown and its really quite pretty. The temperatures arent low enough to warrant a jacket every day but it gets somewhat cold tho.
This has been another really good week, where my testimony of the Savior and His guidance has been strengthened. Lately weve been focusing on strengthening our current investigators and PIs so much that we havent been really able to do much finding. But I realized that the problem wasnt in the time, but it was in my own desire to preach the Gospel. I rededicated myself to the work, and asked Heavenly Father for understanding and strength. Asking for increased charity, for it casts out all fear. I prayed with all my heart, and with increased confidence, we were able to almost immediately see the results. My love for the people grew, as I felt the love of the Savior towards every person we ran into on the streets. And because the Lord forgave and strengthen my weaknesses we were able to more boldy find people, getting phone numbers and even finding an investigator in the process.
As I thought about this and other things, my thoughts turned to how I could become closer to the Savior. Especially during this time of the year, our thoughts turn to Him and His sacrifice, but I felt that I needed to really do as He did, and with all my heart, mind, might and strength, love and serve the people. A heart-warming assurance penetrated my heart, and my desire to serve grew. So I hope that all of us, as we turn our thoughts to the Savior, have a greater desire to follow in His footsteps, and serve as He served. Love as He love. Thereby becoming more like Him though our efforts are imperfect, and many times awkward. I love Him with all my heart. Hes my Redeemer. Hes my Friend. My advocate with the Father, and my comforter. I testify that only through Him we can find true happiness, peace and joy in the life. In HIs Holy name, Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Mourao

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Reedemer lives!!!

Sorry, today is going to be hard to answer everyone individually, but I love you all with all my heart.
This week has been one of the most incredible weeks of my mission. We saw Sister Takeuchi being baptized and confirmed in a meeting where unseen angles from heaven were present. She has amazing faith and it already has begun to change her family in incredible ways. Love and peace abound in that home because of her faith and obedience to the Savior.
On Sunday, we learned of a young woman (12) who wants to be baptized after coming to Church several times. Shes scheduled for Christmas day!
Then another one of our investigators, who has been seeing incredible changes through the Gospel (and also came to Sister Takeuchis baptism)also wants to be baptized, so well be setting the date this week as well.
Last night we visited a referral. As we knocked, the voice of the Lord told me, `hes waiting for you`. He opened, asked who we were, and when he heard missionaries, he said `come in, I want to listen.` We then testified of the Plan of Salvation and of the Savior, and we saw hope in his eyes as he heard those words.
The Lord lives. He guides this Church. He loves us and wants our happiness. In Nephis words, let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord, I pray, in His holy name, Jesus Christ, amen.
I love you all, and until next time,

Elder Mourao

Thursday, November 19, 2009


No, the book written by John.
Its getting cold here, but I was still able to wear short sleeve last week - I guess its not as cold as back home. Winter is finally kicking in, and everyone talks about how cold it is. I ask them how low the temperatures go and they say about .... 3 Celsius. I know, not freezing. I was honestly kind of disappointed.
So last wednesday I had the oppportunity to perform a baptismal interview for a candidate in one of the areas in my District. It became an extremely Spiritual experience for me and the candidate and hes ready to go. It was fun working in a different area, and we were able to see a couple of miracles while I was there. But at night, was when it all started.
I was praying about Takeuchi-san, and how we would get her to be baptized. While I was praying, out of nowhere, I got the impression "shes going to receive her husbands permission on Sunday and be baptized next week."
I asked Heavenly Father about it again to confirm, and in one of the most powerful manifestations I have felt in my life, He confirmed that it was true. I had mixed feelings; one, not really knowing if it was just my own wishful thinking, and two, this is how my prayers are answered, so I better act with faith.
I told this to my companion a day later and we prayed to know if it was true. Again, with the same force it penetrated to the very depths of our hearts telling us that this was Gods will.
We decided to tell Takeuchi san the next day. We did so and prayed. In the same way, the manifestation pierced our hearts. After finishing, she lifted up her head and told us that she had been feeling, since tuesday, that the 21st of November would be a special day for her. She didnt know why, but she felt that she was closer to baptism than ever. We rejoiced in the revelation poured out from Heaven and she committed to tell her husband.
The next day (sunday morning) she called us, saying that she wanted to come by and tell us something. Before she came I prayed and asked Heavenly Father if she had gotten her permission. The answer was a resounding yes in the chambers of my heart.
She arrived and told us that she had talked to her husband. Because of her pure and unwavering faith, all he could say was "I cant say no". We all received our answers to our prayers and fasts. She will be baptized this saturday at 4:00.
Miracles do happen.
The Lord lives. He leads this Church, and in many ways we cant see, performs many mighty miracles. This is my joy. To be an instrument in the hands of my God to bring about the happiness of His children. This work is true and it is His work. Jesus is the Christ, foretold by ancient prophets and testified of by latter day witnesses. He is our Savior and our Redeemer. I love this work. To this end I testify, in His sacred name, Jesus Christ, amen.
I feel changes coming up. Im really excited for them, while somewhat nervous about what will happen. Transfer announcements are next week, so Ill eventually tell you what happens.
I love and pray for all of you. Miss you a ton. Hope the Holiday season brings the Spirit of the Lord in to your lives, and the lives of those around you in more abundance. Thank you for all you do.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, November 9, 2009

About me...

Genki? Boku wa genki da yo.
Thank you so much for all your e-mails and your love. Im deeply touched that all of you will take time out to send me some lines. Im grateful for each one of you because I feel your love, as well as my Saviors love in everything you do for me and those around you. Keep it up, and other surely feel the same way.
Ive been writing a lot about the area, investigators, dendou (missionary work), and at the same time everyone tells me to write about myself. The more I work the more I lose myself in this great work, so that request comes a little offhand, but Ill do my best.
Heavenly Father lives. He loves me. I know that He sent His literal Son in the flesh, and watched Him suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane, and again on the cross on Calvary, so that I could have a chance at returning to His presence. That knowledge strengthens me, and gives me more happiness and peace in my heart, as I try to rely on the Atonement of my Savior, and friend, even Jesus Christ, to overcome myself, my sins, my mistakes, and become a better son of God. I know my Savior lives. He is the Redeemer of mankind, and there is no other way by which peace in this life and eternally might come, unless its through His redeeming blood.
This has changed me. Living the Gospel more than I ever had has made me conscious of my weaknesses, faults, and sins. But I feel my Saviors love as I kneel in prayer, and ask for, and receive, His mercy and forgiveness. My heart has become softer. My ability to love others has increased. My patience is much stronger, and my ability to resist temptation is ever higher. It is because of Him. I am nothing without His help.
Yes, I am still frustrated a lot of times. Frustrated that I dont feel as effective as I could be. That I still have sins and weaknesses which make me a lesser missionary than I hope to be. But through His Gospel, I came to understand my purpose, and I am filled when I think of all the blessings He has given me.
My body aches - a lot. But as I kneel and bow before my Father, He strengthens me and revitalizes my energy through the joy of His Son - who suffered more than I could ever hope to imagine.
Im happy. I want to see even more success. Our investigators and ward members show an incredible example of faith and love. I love this place.
We meet a lot of crazy people too... "my father: police man, taxi man, post man!!!" -what the....
But Im strengthened through the love of my Savior. I am happy because I have the Gospel, and He has seen fit to pour out His mercy and love on my unworthy soul, and mold me into someone I never knew I could be. This is His true Gospel and it brings happiness to those who are at least willing to try it - with just a small desire.
Im having fun. My companion is great and we keep work fun as we try to overcome our weaknesses and reach out to those who are searching for this wonderful Gospel.
Its hard. Its frustrating. But it has brought me more joy and peace than I could have imagined.
My bike is awesome. Although it has brought about recently, a specially painful pimple on my left cheek (the one I sit on, thats right), which makes it hurt everytime I sit - but makes me laugh with my companion every time I think about it!
I love the mission. I love this experience. I love my Savior, friend, companion, and Light. He lives. He has brought about this great work through a living prophet, and has shown us the way to happiness and eternal life.
I love all my friends, families and leaders, and until we meet again, I pray for your safety, peace, and success. With much love,

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chestnuts roasting...

and a crazy wind hits Yonago!!!
Wait, thats wrong... oh never mind, Im in Japan, there really is no christmas, but there is crazy weather!!! Oh and today, we found some Dr Pepper. Awesome...
This last week has been so good. We were able to make a difference in some peoples lives hopefully, and we decided on some new approaches we are going to use for the work. We decided that trying to find new people while our invewtigators that were teaching keep on dropping so were going to be doing a good ol charity-filled spiritual blitzkrieg on them and hopefully they will start progressing again.
Weve been able to work a lot with the members recently and theyve been introducing us to their friends. Its been incredible and weve been able to find a couple of families to teach through it. The Lord has truly been blessing our efforts, however many shortcomings we seem to have. The more we try to show our love for Him and His atonement, the more blessings we receive. I truly am a beggar. And I know He loves me and the people of this part of His vineyard.
I talked to Pres Isa last interview about why Japan isnt seeing the same numbers as in South America fir example, and he explained to me - in actual historic facts - the cycle of pride shown in the Book of Mormon appearing in Japanese history. In learning that it became mixed feelings of relief (of maybe its not me after all), and also of compassion and care towards them. But like in Alma 23, when we find those who arent compelled to be humbled by their circumstances, who accept the Restored Gospel, their conversion is much more permanent.
I love this work. I know it is the work of the Lord, and Hes compassionately helping us and those He leads us to. He is our Savior and Redeemer and through Him we can gain more peace in this life. Im so grateful for His atoning sacrifice, and His mercy in my life.
I love you all and continue to pray that you are safe and growing closer to our Father each and every day, in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.
Love Elder

Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, October 26, 2009


Konnichiwa!! Genki?!
Im pretty genki myself, its been a rollercoaster this past week. A lot happened but the numbers definitely didnt show. But its ok its not about the numbers... or is it? ... no its not, its about helping others come unto Christ through this incredible Gospel.
We were finally able to meet with Takeuchis husband!!!!! It took a long time but through her faith we were able to get a clearance to land in their dinner. Hes a super quiet guy and doesnt speak or smile much, but it was good because we got him to laugh a couple of times even though he kept faking the whole Im so sleepy so Im gonna rub my eyes thing. It was good, and afterwards he told her that now he understands why she is taking the lessons. Were definitely seeing some progress with her. But its not anything we do, its definitely her and her incredible faith. And her daughter too has prayed a couple of times!
I was pretty depressed again after assessing the condition of our investigators but she wrote us a letter that talked about how much more happy shes been since meeting with us and reading the Book of Mormon (she takes it everywhere, you should see it!!), and praying and keeping the commandments. The happiness in her life and the influence it has become to her family makes me grateful to be the tool in the Lords hand to bring happiness to His children. I love this work.
Another miracle though was a members friend who texted her and said she wanted to hear the lessons. Just out of the blue. Amazing!! Were teaching her now and shes a tough cookie but were enjoying it.
I love this work, and being here in Japan being a part of it. I know that the Lord is truly guiding it and that He lives and He is our Savior. Im grateful every day for the sacrifices each of oyu have made to help me be here and help the Japanese people know their Father in Heaven, whom I testify loves and cares for everyone of His children. He has very special blessings reserved for this people.
Thank you and I pray for your happiness and success, in His name, even Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, October 19, 2009

I love to see the Temple...

Konnichiwa minnasan!!
Hows october treating you all. Here the leaves are starting to fall more and more as the temperatures keep on dropping - makes it hard to scrape the futon off your back, but its worth every bit of it. Transfers was last week and I continue in Yonago with Elder Frogley. The only difference now is that its back to a 2 man area, and so we have more space in the apartment, and weve been focusing on making it a much more Spiritual place to live. Its really nice now and the difference is almost night and day. Even the members commented on the absence of the other 2 being good for the ward - they say it will calm down a little bit hehe.
The work keeps on going and the Lord has blessed us to become instruments in His hands to strengthen the faith of the members. It has become a testimony building experience as we see our investigators continue to enjoy the blessings of the Gospel and the members feel the joy of exercising their faith in this great work. IT really is true and if God promises something, and we do our part, nothing can stop the blessings from pouring down from the Heavens.
Im doing good, with days becoming more tiring as it gets along, but its all part of it I guess. Keep praying for God to soften the heart of the people of this area so that they can receive the blessings of the Gospel.
One thing I would like to mention, and its something that has been on my mind lately, is the privilege of you being able to go to the Temple. I would like you to take some time in your personal scripture study and read D&C109, the dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple. Its worth seeing all the different blessings of Temple worship, and I would like to encourage all those who are reading this to either prepare to go, or go already! This world is crumbling in morality and sin as Satan is making a concentrated attack on Gods children, and through the Temple, we can obtain the needed refuge and protection to withstand his blows and gain strength, coming closer to our Savior.
I love all of you and pray for your happiness and safety. I love Japan. I love the Japanese people, and God truly does have special blessings for those in the `isles of the sea`. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Its cold!!!

Minasan konnichiwa!!
Hows everyone doing this week?! I hope you all had a refreshing feeling after this last general conference. It was great and I have an even greater resolve to repent and become a more righteous disciple of Jesus Christ. I know that God talks to us through His holy prophets and latterday revelation. This work is being moved forward by His hands. And He gives us plenty of opportunities to become more humble and become more effective tools in His hands.
This week was fulll of ups and downs and quite busy. We ended up setting a date with our investigator, Kumagae-san for the 7th of November but it unfortunately dropped as she is quite busy with school and her mother told her to learn more and wait a bit. I think it will be good to test our faith and help her gain a stronger testimony through the Book of Mormon.
Takeuchi san is doing incredible but because of her husband no date yet. Were really praying so she can get permission, but meanwhile, through the mercy of the Lord, her family is noticing the changes in her life from living the gospel. We have faith that this will stand as a testimony to her family and soften their hearts to hear the gospel.
This is the last week of the transfer so things might be different from next week, but well see. Thank you so much for your support and love. I really appreciate the love that all of you have been showing and I pray that the Lords choicest blessings be upon you.
I love this Gospel and our Lord Jesus Christ. He is my friend, my advocate, my Redeemer, Savior, and companion. Im eternally grateful for His eternal sacrifice and love. Keep strong and hang in there - everything will work out.
Love you tons!

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, October 5, 2009

Return date: around June 10th, 2010!!!

Hey guys I really don:t have any time today were about to go teach a lesson and I gotta let my comp get on - hes a bean (greenie) so I gotta give him some more time ;P.
This week has been awesome again - we werent able to find any new investigators, but 3 of our investigators are progressing with 2 really close to baptism. One fasted this last weekend so her husband can give permission and the other, were going to invite her in about an hour!! Im so excited its gonna be waterworks!!
Im doing good, this week was a little disheartening, being rejected by a ton of people, and going down the streets having no one even say hello back to you - it did quite a number on me yesterday. But I think its a good opportunity to show more faith, patience, and love towards the people, and were seeing miracles anyways. I prayed and got some awesome confirmations and Heavenly Father is really giving us a lot of strength.
I love you all!! Thanks so much for the package in advance - it will cause much needed relief from teasings about the worn-out state of my clothes. What?! Its really humid here!!!
I know that Heavenly Father lives and loves each and every one of us. He cares for all His children and supports us in our trials as we work to rely in Him. Im so grateful to be here and doing this wonderful work. It is a wonder! Thank you so much and I pray for the Lords blessings to be upon you!

Elder Mourao

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

And they just keep on rolling...‏

Konnichiwa! Minasan wa genki desu ka?
How are you?! I love this mission. Its incredible, each and every day is becoming even more amazing. Heavenly Father is moving HIs work along and no unhallowed hand can keep this work from progressing. He sees fit to redeem me from my natural ways; that through the atonement I might be forgiven and cleansed from my mistakes and weaknesses. He watches over this area, and knows the hearts of His children. He prepares them through His holy angels (many who are members and other missionaries) to hear the great news of the Gospel and come unto Christ. I testify of the veracity of this Holy work. I an deeply grateful to be a part of it.
This area is even more amazing then I thought. The members are truly doing a great work with us and it is incredible to see what happens when full-time missionaries and members work together. We had a missionary fireside yesterday and the members are on fire. It was so joyous to see the spark in their eyes as we told them about the miracles, and as we asked them to join with us ever closer in proclaiming this Gospel. Miracles are pouring from Heaven much like the missouri river runs its course.
Yesterday we had an 18yrold girl come in to Church, by herself, knowing no one there. She had the courage to come in and learn about the Church. Well now be teaching her along with members and she will be baptized- I know it!
Takeuchi-san is still coming along great and wants us to share the Gospel with her kids, which can help in softening the husbands heart. Were way excited!!
Sorry I cant write much more. The area is great. I love it. I love my companion,Elder Frogley (from NY). Hes a rock, works super hard and is very bold. I love you all. Keep it going, and trust the Lord! This work is true!
Love ya

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

NOTE BY SILVIA: His address has changed. It is posted on the right hand column :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hey guys!!
Hows it going? Its starting to get nice and chilly here in Yonago, I love it. Its easier to work - well there is a crazy wind blowing here everyday, but no big deal.
Anyways, so it was kind of an up and down week. We found 2 new investigators (one of them is a mom, and sounds like the husband is aldo going to investigate). We had zone conference and that took a day and a half out of our schedule because of travel. Then I got super sick and had to tough it out over the weekend, but its ok, we saw a ton of miracles!!
Remember how I thought I was going to England on my mission? Well, I was just interpreting it wrong. It was actually `you are going to meet some British on your mission.` We found this incredible family and hes already introduced us to a ton of people. We got an appointment on Tuesday please pray for us!
Well the work is going incredible, it slowed down a bit this week, and I was down with a bad cold so I didnt feel too good, but theres so much guidance and revelation i cant even begin to describe it all.
I love you so much, keep up your faith, and see those miracles, theyre everywhere!! Christ lives and He is our Savior. I testify that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and that the Book of Mormon is true, and brings happiness to all those who apply its principles. This work is incredible, I love it!

Elder Mourao

Monday, September 14, 2009

New area!

I`m not gonna go through the niceties cuz i dont have time. Right now, its 4 of us, at the best ward in the mission, and were seeing miracles. This place is amazing.My companion (a new missionary) is great. A lot of faith, a lot of heart and willingly to work super hard. Im really grateful to be here. Were with a 3 transfer missionary, and a brazilian, Elder Bronner - from Curitiba.Weve been already seeing a ton of miracles, finding a ton of people (cuz me and my comp white-washed - started fresh, and clean) in the area. Weve found some families and the members are super excited. Were going to see a ton of baptisms here - can you feel it as I write it? I sure can...
Its a small town in the north end of our mission, and its beautiful. Best thing: no hills!The Lord is placing a lot of trust in us, but with it a way for us to accomplish His will in Yonago. Ive prayed many times and the confirmation has come every time - there will be a lot of baptisms here. My whites are getting ready!!
I love you all and thank you for your support! Thank you for your love and all you do, I continue to pray for all of you. This work is His work, He guides it. This is His Church and His true Gospel revealed by a true prophet. Its awesome. Its powerful. The power of God is being poured here. Love,
Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, September 7, 2009

Big News- and transfer is...

Hey guys!!
Sorry don`t have time. Ill write more next week. Im in Yonago,its amazing already! Love it here.
I went trainer, hes cool. Gonna see miracles.Love you all, Church is true, the Lord guides this work!

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao


Monday, August 31, 2009


Hello everyone! How are you? I hope this short e-mail finds you well and healthy.
It is another busy day at the mission office: my replacement came in today and I have to start training him - along with a million other things I gotta do before I transfer. So yeah, this is a short one, I apologize in advance.
This week was full of miracles again (I'm sorry, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true - there's just so many of them). We had a Chinese party at Church: 4 Chinese investigators come! That includes the family that we've been teaching. Who, by the way, agreed to be baptized!!! We're meeting with them on Tuesday and hopefully setting a date - please pray.
Sadly I'm leaving the area - I don't know where I'm going and that's exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time (I'm pretty sure I didn't spell that right, somebody's gotta tell me how that goes). I'm sad to leave the area, but not sad to leave the office. I'm excited to apply all the things I learned - but haven't had time to do while working in the office.
I love you all, I will continue to pray - and I testify that they are answered! I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, our Savior and Redeemer. He is the head of this Church and continues to guide it through a living prophet. I say these things in His name, Jesus Christ, amen.
With much love,

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Hey, sorry I didn't write you last week, here's what happened:
They (office staff) wanted to go to Miyajima again - it was my 5th time (that's what you get for being in the same zone for a year). So we decided to climb (well, the other 3 did, and dragged me with them - again, 3rd time doing the climb), and we got to the top, but because I wanted to finish it quickly, I told them: "we'll go down the opposite way, it's faster." Well, so genius here leads other 3 guys dressed in white shirts and ties (with a 17 year-old Japanese kid we contacted) down this hour long trail. But I got confused because I had never gone DOWN, that way before. Well, after going down a part, which I'm pretty sure wasn't a trail, we came to a road - a regular car road. So we decided to follow it.
After about 30 minutes running down this thing (it was too painful on the knees to walk it normally), we hit a place near the beach - about 3-4 km away from where we originally started. Taking an hour and a half longer than originally planned.
Long story short, didn't get back in time to do e-mail because we had to work that night.
But, these last two weeks have been incredible. We have been seeing so many miracles. We found 3 new investigators this week, and some great PIs. I feel like we're just being taken by the hand, by a loving Father in Heaven, to find His children who are searching for truth and happiness in this life. It's been an incredible faith-building couple of weeks, as our new investigators have progressed and many prayers have been answered.
Our investigator, Haku-san, is doing amazing. We finished lesson 1 and she knows it's true! It was such a powerful lesson. You can see the joy that the Restored Gospel has brought into her life. She wanted her husband to take the lessons so bad, but it had been 3 weeks and we still hadn't met her him. So this last Saturday, we set up to meet her husband the next day, Sunday. We showed, and I was a little nervous, but I knew that it was going to be okay. He warmly welcomed us into their home and after talking for a little bit, we invited him to hear the lessons and he accepted. His wife, with her wonderful faith, prayed at the end, coming to tears, feeling the joy of the Gospel, and having the Holy Ghost, poured from the Heavens, testify to all of us how the Gospel will bless their family. They're coming to Church next week - it's going to be amazing!
On Friday, we had a special experience in finding. For some reason I wasn't feeling all that great, but we had to work, so we did. We visited a PI that kind of gave the cold shoulder, so we decided to do some finding. We were guided to a building, and the first door we knocked was one, Atachi-san. He thought we were cops, so after checking out the window to see if there was a cop car outside (or a "panda", as they lovingly call them here), he came out, and started to talk to us. After introducing ourselves and talking a little about what we do, we told him that we shared a message about the purpose of life. I asked him if he had ever thought about it before. He responded that he had, especially recently, and paused for a second: "You know, it's hot. Why don't you come in." ---> I don't know how to explain this but: THIS NEVER HAPPENS IN JAPAN!!!! (unless they're drunk - which he wasn't)We taught him right there, and he even came with us to an activity we had that night. He became an investigator and we're meeting him again on Thursday.
I don't even know how to explain to you how incredible it is to be used by the Lord to find those prepared people. As an office missionary, we don't get to work as much. But Heavenly Father lovingly uses the little that we can offer and turns it into miracles. That's the real joy of missionary work. Being guided by the Lord, to do His work, and bring happiness to God's children. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to be here and be part of this incredible work. This is the true Church of Jesus Christ. He lives. He guides this Church. He is the Savior of the world. I know that He shed His won blood for you and me alike, and how eternally grateful I am for His sacrifice. I bear this testimony in His sacred name, Jesus Christ, amen.
In other news, my 6-month odyssey as the Mission Recorder comes to a close as this transfer ends on september 3rd (a week from thursday). I don't know where I'm going to yet, and I won't be able to tell you until the Monday after it happens; just know that I'll be moving to a different area soon. Yep, that's about it. Love you so much. Keep up your faith, and God will make miracles happen. Pray earnestly. Study dilligently. Have faith. 'Til next week.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 6th, 2009....

Hello everyone! How are you all?! Good news to report: no earthquakes here in the area - actually I haven't felt a single earthquake the whole entire time I've been in japan, so that's pretty surprising rto me. The only thing to complain about is this awful heat. It's like being in a sauna whenever you step out of an air-conditioned room. You sweat immediately by just being there. It's bad, but it's part of the experience - I'm loving it! haha It's great to be a missionary. And because I'm so different, it's easier to talk to people. It's something called "gaijin-power" - if you're ever in Japan, learn to harness it: it's got everlasting consequences (like teaching the Gospel).
Anyways, so this week was just one of the most incredible weeks of my mission. We decided some time ago that biking 45 minutes out to meet with people who don't necessarily intend on progressing is not an effective way to work (however much we love them and desire their happiness), so we figured that there are prepared people out here - closer to us and the Church, that we could bring the Gospel to.
Last week I worked with one of the brand new missionaries and we found a potential investigator named Haku-san (she's actcually Chinese, but that's her name's reading in japanese "white"). She told us to come back because her kids were about to jump in the shower. SO me and my companion went and visited her the next day. She was just about to leave so we talked a little bit, and she told us that she'd talk to her husband and give us a call. And maybe we could meet them on that next SUnday. Well, she called and canceled that Saturday before. But she said: "I really want to know more about God and Jesus Christ. Will you come to my house and teach me next Saturday?" .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't even put into words, how happy I was. But that's nothing. So we took one of the new recent-convert Chinese members from the ward to do a joint lesson, 2 days ago. It was the most powerful lesson I've been in my mission - I maybe said 10 sentences. Sister Alicia powerfully testified about God and prayer. Even though neither me or my companion could understand Chinese, the Spirit was so powerful! At the end, Haku-san prayed, and the room was just filled with this Heavenly power and all of us began to cry. She said (in Chinese) "it was amazing!"
She told our member that she had never felt something like that, and that she wants to continue to learn about God, and become closer to the Savior. Well, we gave her a book of mormon and we're going back to teach her next week. Her husband is really busy with work (he is Chinese, but works terrible Japanese hours), but we're hoping to meet him and invite him to the lessons. The members were great and bore powerful testimony.
Then, we also had really interesting experiences all throughout this week. We found some amazing PIs - it was all God, we had nothing to do with it (besides the fact of going out and working). We met a guy and his family, named "Jeff." We housed into him, and found out he's from Wisconsin, came to Japan years ago, married, kids, and just lives about 10 minutes away from us. He was a great guy! Heavenly Father really guided us to Him (i mean, there is no way I could have just gone "let's go to this place, maybe there's an American living on the top floor!") ;-)
We went out to the "torounagashi" this past thursday - this day marked the 64 anniversary of the day the Atomic Bomb fell in Hiroshima. It was full of people, and I think it kind of distracted from the solemnity of the occasion - kinda like a huge hippie fest. We met some interesting people, some of them being people from something called the "Raelian Movement" (look it up, I won't say anything). I got a free hug.
I'm glad to know that everyone's doing good and alive! I hope all is well. I know that our Father in Heaven will continue to pour out HIs Spirit and blessings on us as we continue to live righteous lives, and try each and every day to come closer to Him by following the example of His Son Jesus Christ. I'm so grateful for the Atonement and the opportunity and privilege that's been give to me to be here and tell others about its blessings. I love this place, and I love what I do. The Atonement and this Gospel truly does bless people and families, and changes hearts. Thank you for your continuing love and support; I love you all and pray for the Lord's blessings to be upon each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, August 3, 2009

Atsui ja ke!!!

Konnichiwa!!! Hiroshima wa chou atsui desu yo!!
(It translates: Hiroshima is really freaking hot!)
Hello! How's everyone doing? I hope you aren't melting in the heat right now. I sure am. Went to go fix my tire again today - I was literally sweating just standing on the tube waiting for the patch kit to dry up. And the humidity makes it so bad - you have no idea!!!
But besides the heat, it is amazing over here. We really feel Nakanishi-san is progressing and he's getting more comfortable with Church now. As soon as he can come back to Church, I know for sure he'll get baptized. It's going to be the trial of his faith, and it's going to be a miracle.
Oh, by the way: I DIDN'T TRANSFER! Hahahaha Hikari is the area where the Mission Office is. I'm just the Senior now with a new companion. The area is doing great and we're shifting our focus now: instead of biking out 45 minutes to meet Brazilians that aren't willing to keep commitments, (they're still our good friends, but we've got a job to do) we're going to be working closer to the Church and closer with the members. It's going to be an incredible transfer. I feel it. The Lord is blessing us with so much, and although we don't see numbers like in South America, the work is just as busy, and the Lord works the success here He sees fit to work. It's His work, and knowing that we're doing everything we can to be His instruments is good enough for me: that's all He asks. HE will make the miracles happen, not us.
Anyways, I love all of you. Thank you so much for your support and letters. I will continue to pray for everyone of you. Please trust the Lord, know HIs ways, and He will lead you where you can be happy and grow. This is HIs Church. This is His work. There is a prophet and we receive modern revelation. Tell your friends. The Lord will put in your mouth the words that will touch their hearts. Thank you so much for all you do. In name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, July 27, 2009

Transfer 8

Hey, everyone, how's it going?! Happy that everyone is doing good, and I'm thankful for everyone's pictures... some things have really changed and some have - however, I'm glad to see your faith has only become strengthened, and that your resolution to choose righteous paths have become a beacon to the lives of those around you. Thank you so much for your wonderful examples.
Well, this is it: Transfer 8, Hikari. Since becoming Senior, it's only added on the stress. It's become a time of more fervent prayer to the Lord for help. It's an extremely humbling time for me right now, as I know I cannot do anything without the Lord. As difficult as it seems sometimes (and trust me, it's been really hard), I'm trying more and more to open the way for more revelation. And as always, the Lord works step-by-step, and His ways are much higher than my ways. I feel his help in my life, and I feel strengthned, doing all I can to be the missionary that He wants me to be.
I've asked inumerable times just in these last few days for strength and help, and the Lord has answered my many prayers. He has comforted me, and taught me through the Spirit, as I search for what He would have me do. As hard as it has been, I have been blessed by these experiences.
We finally had an investigator come to Sacrament Meeting!!!! It was amazing and the talks brought a really strong Spirit to the meeting. His name is Bobo, and he was able to sit by Bro. Chin, a recent-convert from China (who just went to the Temple for his first time this weekend). It was powerful, and he said he'll continue to pray and read the Book of Mormon during his month in China. We're pretty excited for him.
Our quest right now is finding people close to the Church, who can come to Church, and will be easy to meet. Our investigators' progression is almost nil because they can't come to Church (because they live far, AND, they are so busy). So I'm really focusing on those people that will actually do things and will WANT to learn and do, instead of just meeting with the missionaries. These last few weeks have been somewhat stressful (including the fact that we had 2 new missionaries come 3 hours late because it rained so hard here)....
...but I'm so happy! I love the mission! I love being here, and having an opportunity to refine myself - not only for now, but especially in the future.
I love this Gospel. I know it is true. I know Christ lives and guides this Church. And through a living prophet, we can receive all the blessings of the Gospel. I love you all, and pray for your safety and success in all you do.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

NOTE BY SILVIA: I'm updating the map below with HIKARI, JAPAN.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ta caindo um pe d'agua!‏

Mina genki desu ka? How's everyone doing back home? Thank you for the e-mails, I'm happy to see everyone is doing good, and that the Lord is blessing you so much.
This week was incredible. We had miracles pretty much everyday, and even Nakanishi-san came back to progressing status. We're pretty much done with this transfer now, and it just flew by: i don't even know what happened. I think my body is starting to feel the long days and non-stop work. I was talking to Elder Bishoff (one of the APs) and it went something like this:
"does your body hurt?"
"-well, yeah." "are you tired all the time?"
"-...yeah..." "how are your letters?"
"-well, I don't really get any..."
"well, it sounds like it's time for you to go senior."
Well, yeah, that's what's happening. I'll let you know what actually happens - if by some miracle, Heavenly Father sees fit that a 5 transfer missionary go senior over a 8 transfer missionary, I would be pretty happy. But, I don't think that Heavenly Father quite works like that.... ganbaru shika nai... (literally meaning: nothing more to do than work hard).
I worked with the other Brazilian elder on Tuesday and it was pretty good. Something happened that night that helps me testify to you that Angels still do minister to the children of men. It was a special spiritual experience and I won't go into details here, to preserve its sacreness. It was, however, incredible, and our good friend Fabio was able to have a spiritual experience he will never forget.
We met with him again on Thursday, for an incredible lesson. He will get baptized soon - he needs the Gospel and the changing power of the Atonement. He knows it's true, and he's excited to feel it and learn it. That same night we were able to have another miracle as Wakisaka-san called us to meet. It was really sudden, but it was God guiding him and us that night. We had an incredible lesson. He wants to learn more, and he posed the same questions as Joseph Smith; he's golden! He said that his wife might be a problem seeing she's a different religion, but we asked him to pray about it. He's great. And all that because we gave him our card and number as we were waiting at the train tracks. Amazing!!
Then yesterday we went with Nakanishi-san to my beloved Hatsukaichi (my first area). They had a baptism there, and it was incredible. He's almost kind a less active - seeing he attended Church for 3 years and read the BofM 3 times. He's doing great and progressing now, and he is just working on getting a confirmation. He'll be baptized in no time after that.
My beloved family members and friends, I testify to you that God lives. That He guides this Church. That Jesus is the Christ; the Redeemer and Savior of this world. He is the head of this Church, guiding it through living Prophets and Apostles. What a blessing it is to have the specific guidance we need for our days. I hope we may all continue to study the words of modern and ancient prophets, and that through living the true gospel of Jesus Christ, we may gain a greater understanding of the Atonement. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.
With much love,

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The year mark...

Konnichiwa! ichinen tatte omedeto gozaimasu!
So this is it: this thursday marks the year since I entered the MTC in Provo. It's been an incredible journey, filled with Spiritual experiences, and I have felt the love of the Lord as I served among HIs children, the wonderful people of Japan. I've been richly blessed, and I hope for many even greater things for the next year. I am so excited for what's up ahead. I can't wait to become an even sharper tool in the hand of our Lord as I try to align myself more and more to His will.
So to begin, I've got an announcement: .... i'm pregnant.
No, I'm staying here for at least one more transfer. One who will not however, is my beloved companion, Elder Goto. I am, however, about to be richly blessed by another companion (again, Japanese), Elder Masui. He is a great guy, and just came out of the area where I started (Hatsukaichi), with another Brazilian companion, Elder Magno (who I get to work with tomorrow on exchanges).
This week has been incredible and we saw a lot of miracles, in our area, in myself, and as a mission.
We were able to find 2 good investigators, 1 peruvian (Wagner Flores) and also 1 brazilian (Our investigator's wife, Marcia - who is already almost done with the Book of Mormon, crazy huh?!). The work is moving along more rapidly now, and my next challenge is getting investigators to Church. That has defintely proven to be the hardest thing to do around here, but I know with the help of the Lord we can do many and great things.
The Izumis are still there. They've really slowed down in their progressing because we haven't been able to meet them and do a lesson - her work (which BTW is a place for "female company" - that's another problem we're gonna have to tackle) has lost an employee, and now she has to work her shifts, making her work everynight, along with her regular full-time day-job. It's frustrating, but I'm excited because it will be an oppportunity to show faith and conquering a challenge. I'm really starting to enjoy those now, because they always strenghten my testimony of the blessings of the Gospel. Please pray for them.
Well, I'm doing good: I think I've finally started to gain some weight (I think), although fatigue from the heat is starting to kick in big time. Japan is the hottest place I've ever been to! It's quite ridiculous, actually.
Thank you so much for all your prayers, your love and support. I'm grateful for all of you, and all that you are doing. Hang in there, ttrust in the Lord, follow HIs path, and HE will NOT let you down!! I'm so grateful for this Gospel, and this work. I'm especially grateful for the Atonement, and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray that all of us will come to understand His eternal sacrifice more deeply as we live this wonderful Gospel, in His name, Jesus Christ, amen.
PS:the first picture is what happened to my shoe. Then the second is Elder Goto (top), Elder Masui (Middle), Elder Mourao's nose (bottom), and the AP (Elder Bishoff) who is partially hidden. He does talk a lot, so just seeing his mouth is enough I think (just kidding, I love the guy!). The third one is me and my companion on an actual contact: it was after we left the restaurant we were eating at with Pres Isa and his family. So his daughter took this picture and gave it to us. There you have it, missionary work in Japan!
Oh, and we had a barbecue at a member's house this weekend, and as a good Brazilian, I manned the grill: it was incredible, if I do say so myself :).
Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

His testimony...

Hello everyone!! Today is just a wonderful day. Health, strength, and many blessings are pouring from Heaven and God lives and He guides us. What a wonderful time to be alive, with God's living Church on this Earth.
I've thought recently about the Restoration of the Gospel, and what it means to me. And in a few words, this is (again, to me) the importance of the Restoration:By divine attendance, we know now, the relationship between God and man. That God is a real being, a perfect person, and He lives and Guides us. We also know, through the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, cointained in the precious pages of the Book of Mormon, what we must do to be happy in this life, and how to return to God's presence. We know what we must do to enjoy the full blessings of the Atonement, and we know that Christ lives, and that He guides His Church in these uncertain times. -----> how great is the calling to be here and proclaim this wonderful truth!! A marvelous work and a wonder isn't it?
This week has been great. By following Preach my Gospel more obediently we've been able to see more progress in our investigators, and although we don't have a for sure baptism date yet, they are thinking and praying about it. And that shows an increase of faith in Christ.
Recently, I've been beating my brains out trying to force Revelation, and trying to know what God wants me to do. Well, I'd like to revert to a quote by the 1st counselor of my branch presidency in the MTC: "Do you want to know the secret to being a good missionary?! Brethren, the code has been written!! [while pointing to a copy of PMG] The SECRET has been PUBLISHED!!" Wow. I didn't realize that until coming out to the mission field! It's kind of like, "duh!", but you forget the simple things, especially when you're faced with the big challenges. But I know that PMG is the key to receiving more Revelation because that is the Lord's way. When Nephi built the ship, he built it according to the manner of the Lord. This is His work, therefore we're entitled to His help. And I've been receiving that help during lessons in saying things I didn't know how to say, or things that would get the investigator to ponder and feel the Spirit; as well as the smaller things, such as being able to receiving directions for going places in my head, without looking at the map.
Then I realized, that this is not something just missionaries are entitled to: it is all of those people who have received the Holy Ghost that have this privilege. I encourage you all to pray for it and corageously follow it. You will see miracles at every step of the journey. It is amazing!
Thank you for your love and support and I want to express my love and gratitude for each one of you and all you've done. I hope in some small way, these letters make a difference, and I hope that you are touched by the Spirit despite my weakness in writing and my relatively weak testimony. I hope to rejoice and grow in the Gospel with all of you. And until next week, I pray for your health and happiness, that you may overcome your challenges and trials with joy and patience, for the Highest of them all, has gone below them all. He has "overcome the world". In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Mourao

PS: Mae, pai, obrigado por tudo o que vcs estao fazendo agora. Eu nao tenho palavras para agredecer a voces e o nosso Pai Celestial. Te amo muito!

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, June 29, 2009

A marvelous work and a wonder!

Hello everyone! How are you? I hope this e-mail finds you well, healthy and abounding in the joy of the Restored Gospel! It truly is amazing to have the opportunity to have Prophets and Apostles on the earth in these days, especially when conditions are much less than favorable.
It is also a privilege to be here and performing the work of the Lord in this part of His vineyard and helping to move along this amazing work. We're seeing miracles in our own ways, and the Lord has been blessing us with much needed strength and revelation to help move forward here. This last week, we were able to meet with the Izumi family and we invited them to be baptized in the end of July. Well, they accepted, and I really prayed about it and we're gonna pray with them tonight to set in stone the 25th of July. It was amazing. I've been feeling the Spirit work so much more through me now as I truly try to align my will with the Lord's. They just accepted it and they had to check the calender to make sure it was ok hehe. They're awesome!
We got a new investigator, his name is Bobo (nickname actually) and this last week's lesson was amazing! He said he felt really peaceful as we talked and prayed and he really wants to find out if God is there or not. So we give him the Book of Mormon and tell to read and pray! That simple! It's amazing! He is so nice and we're excited to teach him - he's Chinese.
We've recently been able to have really powerful lessons and the Spirit has just been so strong and guiding me to be more bold. It's been a great journey, and I'm sad that it's at the halfway point now - time is just too fast.
I wish you all well, and I will continue to pray for you guys. I know God lives and guides this work. Jesus is the Christ, and He is our Redeemer from the darkness of sin and disbelief. I love this Gospel and I hope that you may have opportunities to have your won testimony strengthened this week.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao

Monday, June 22, 2009


How's it going? Man, this week was just so full of miracles. It was an amazing week. The Lord is blessing this mission so much and I know that we're just getting closer and closer to seeing many mighty miracles happen.
We were finally able to have a lesson with Fabio and his wife and kid - they are just unbelieavable! We were just making small talk when he pulls out the Book of Mormon and tells me about when he started reading it. He couldn't understand all of the words because it is a difficult read, but he liked it, and he actually wants to read together with us to get the full meaning of it all. We taught him prayer and the origin of the Book of Mormon. It was a really wonderful time. His wife made us dinner, and afterwards he drove us home - where we then talked some more, and even talked a little bit about the Atonement among other things. He is really becoming more of a friend than an investigator, which actually makes it easier to start Gospel conversations. It's been going really great, and they're an amazing family. They just need the Holy Ghost, priesthood, and Temple marriage! I love them, and they're just wonderful.
Then Cleiton and Eline are still hanging in there, they're reading the Liahona just like 90% of all other Mormons do it: in that special thinking place, you know what I'm talking about...:). They're good and they actually invited us to lunch on saturday and guess who also comes: Fabio and Glaucia - they live 2 doors down. It was really good and had the chance to teach about Christ coming to the America's. It was really special, and I hope that they grew in their desire to come back and get baptized.
The Izumis are still doing good, it was hard to teach them last week because in order to teach them, we need to have priesthood holders in to join the lesson (else we can't go in), and because no other members were able to come, we had to stand outside their apartment and teach them.... then this week's family home evening appointment too, got cancelled. They're there, and we really want to invite them to be baptized this week, so that's our focus. I feel that it will happen! Please pray for them!
Then, we also met with Sonny again, and had a member joint for us, and it was amazing. It was really led by the Spirit and we felt like we got him to think about things, and had a chance to really learn about him, and see how similar our religions acutally are. It's amazing. Now, it's just helping him know the truths that he doesn't know yet.
This work is true, and the Lord Jesus Christ lives. He atoned for our sins, and He is the Savior of the world. I hope that you all may have opportunities to grow closer to the Savior and walk in His steps. I love you all and pray for your happiness and safety. Until next week,

Elder Mourao

Monday, June 15, 2009


Hey everyone, how are you doing? It's been a few hectic days here at the Mission Office, but things are finally settling down after the transfer period. Well, as you might have noticed, I did not transfer - which means I get to spend another fun 6 weeks with my awesome companion, Elder Goto, and working with our investigators here in HIkari. I feel a baptism.
So we were at prayer meeting with the President and the APs and just talking about how transfers went, and the new AP, Elder Bishoff, mentioned how he liked having me here. He likes me and Elder Goto, and said, if it were up to him, he'd have me stay here another 4 transfers (or another 6 months). We were all kind of joking, but we all looked at President Isa, and he sat back in his chair, and while looking at the ceiling, just slowly nodded. Well, I don't know if he meant that or not, but it sounds like I'm going to be here for a little while hehehe. Even my companion told me that I'll be here longer than him (which is weird, because the commissarian job is a much more demanding task than mine, usually having missionaries here for at least 6months). No comment....
So this week, our actual working time wasn't that long (because of transfers), but we did see some good things happening. The Izumi family is still on track, and we've got another family home evening with them tonight. They're just unbelievable! The mom is still praying like a seasoned veteran, and the children are all praying and reading too. The thing that touched me the most was when she said the youngest daughter (Michela, 4) got her older sisters to pray as a family while their mom was at work. In her prayer she thanked Heavenly Father for "how cute her mom was, and how cool she is" - she didn't mention anything about her sisters, but it's ok, we'll work on love later down the road, hehe.
Then we were able to meet with Mr. Karunjanwan - or Sonny, for short. He is a 35 year-old grad student who attends Hiroshima University (a well-respected institution in Japan), from Indonesia. He became an investigator on Saturday, and he's amazing! He has a family back home, and he was really excited to learn about the Book of Mormon and our Church. We're meeting with him next weekend. And he's even gonna start introducing us to his other Indonesian friends. He even took us out to lunch on saturday!!
The work here is going amazing. I love this country, and I've been amazed at the blessings poured out from Heaven. I've noticed my own testimony growing, and especially my love for the scriptures. I finished the Book of Mormon again and as I flipped through its pages and held it in my hands (as well as the other standard works) I just felt overwhelmed at the power it contains. It truly is God's words. It came through HOly Prophets of God, and restored by a latter-day prophet. I love it. It's true. I encourage all who read this message, to read it, study it, ponder, and pray for enlightenment, and it will change your life, given you renewed strength, and peace in your days. And as you follow it, more happiness is to come in this life.
I love you all, and I continue to pray for you. Please pray for the Japanese people. And also others around the world. They need His love. We, as His children, need His love. I miss you, and hope all is well. I'll wait for the e-mails!
Oh, and one more thing. Sonny:
....yeah, he's Muslim.

Elder Mourao

Monday, June 8, 2009


How's it going? Sounds like things are still pretty interesting on your side of the pond - well, just outside the missionary world really. If you don't have people infected with pig diseases, you have airliners disappearing in the ocean. It's a crazy world right now, that's why I'm thankful for the Gospel. It helps us to know that there is meaning to all of this, and I know that if we come closer to Heavenly Father, we can have a stronger assurance in this life. It's truly an amazing power. This week was definitely interesting, and while not that busy, it felt just rushed by. The Izumi family is coming along good, we have family home evening with them tonight, so we're pretty excited. They've been reading the Book of Mormon, and they're also praying. It was really exciting to teach them to pray, because they really had no idea of how to do it, and especially the mom really likes it. She says she prays 4 or 5 times a day now! We're prettty excited about them, and just as I felt the confirmation before, I feel that they'll be baptized while I'm still here in this area. Hopefully we can talk a little bit more about baptism this week.
We really didn't have that many lessons this week, but we were able to spend some really good evenings with some members. It just amazes me every time: they are probably the only Christian family in the 5-block radius that they're in, and out of 300,000 people that live in this area (if not more), only them and 80 others come to Church every Sunday. That is faith. That is dedication because they know of God's promised blessings. And truly, the Gospel has that power. I really undermined that before I came, but I've started to realize that what we're telling people is the most powerful force in this planet. And when the Spirit testifies to those that are prepared, it's just unbelievable! I'm so grateful to be here. I'm grateful for the members in Japan, and all their sacrifices, their love, and help. They're truly examples here. And sure, Church here, has a little different feel, but when you see people from 5 or 6 different countries, hearing the Gospel in 5 or 6 different languages; hearing how they are children of God, and that through His plan, they can be happy here, and in eternity; all while meeting in this (by American standards) tiny meeting house in Hiroshima Japan: that just blows my mind! It's all one truth, and it's being told to every one in their own tongue, and language. All because one young boy decided to kneel down, and ask his Father in Heaven for guidance. One prayer. One simple act of faith. Wow. We've been really blessed lately. We're seeing so many miracles and success. Of course, the mission is hard, but it's fun - and rewarding. I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I look back, and it's been almost a year since I went into the MTC in Provo, UT, and what a year it's been! This work is just amazing.
And I've seen myself changing, improving, and slowly becoming a better person (i think... better yet, I hope :) ). But it's so amazing, because it's not me doing the change. I can't change my desires and appetites as much as a monkey can't will himself to think as a human being. However, there's a stronger power acting on me, and it's through the Atonement. Not only does it overcome Spiritual and Physical death, it also helps those who are willing to submit to the Father to become better persons and to really have a true change of heart. And through the Holy Ghost, this mighty change of heart is wrought upon us, so that we have no more desire to do evil, and like Nephi, to despise sin. (well, I'm not quite there yet, but I'm working on it). And just seeing that change in others is unbelievable! It's truly a wonder. Kinda makes you think huh?
Well, I hope all is well, and that you are all happy in spite of the world circumstances. Just remember what the Savior said: be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. It's true, He has. Love,

Elder Mourao

Monday, June 1, 2009

Anatagata ga zokon desu!‏

Hey sorry, but this one is going to be really short. We came back from the Mazda museum this afternoon and after a migrane, I'm not feeling too good - so I was resting most of the day. We got an appointment tonight with some members, but hopefully I'll be ok until then.
This week has just been full of miracles. We got the Izumi family to become investigators, and it sounds like they're reading and trying to pray everyday. And the Kiwaki (peruvian) looks pretty good too. Transfers are next week, so I had to finish the new recorder manual - I don't know if I'll be transferred or not, so we'll see. If I am, you will know next monday before transfers.
I love you, miss you all. This is truly God's work, and I'm deeply grateful to be here. Trust the Lord, and seek to align your goals with His, and He'll guide you in all things which will bring you true happiness.

Elder Mourao

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Email sent on 5/24/09!

Hello everyone?
How are you! Thanks for the letters this week, I know you are all busy, and so I definitely appreciate it. This last week was really great, we're having the opportunity to work with some really good people and to see a lot of miracles as a companionship. I've been learning a lot, and the Lord has placed some very special people with great knowledge of missionary work and the Gospel in order to teach me what I need to know. It's been a blessed week, so I'd like to share a little bit of what's been going on.
We started the week out with a surprisingly nice p-day - although we didn't get everything done that needed to be done, it was still a really nice day to just be out. We ended up going to an Italian food buffet, but somehow I'm still losing weight - I think it's the irregular eating that gets me more than anything.
I worked with the APs on Tuesday and we had a couple of really good lessons; including a really good find. We taught one of their Chinese investigators and it was a really good lesson, where we committed her to baptism - she picked the date all by herself! It was really wonderful. As we planned for her lesson, we weren't sure of what to teach her, but as we sought for inspiration, I remembered a recent article in the March Liahona of "Not Burning the Midnight Oil". It was funny because as we read it with her, it was as if the article had been written about her! It was really Spiritual and the Lord guided us to know what we should teach.
Then as me and Elder Smith went to the next lesson, we decided to knock on a few doors, seeing that we still had some time. We knocked on a 3 doors before a little grandma inquired through the door about who we were. As we told her, she came out and we had the chance to talk to her about. As we talked, the conversation turned to the the topic of miracles - what is a miracle?, she asked. The only thing I could think to say was that maybe someone who has cancer is cured by some unseen power. Well, as we talked she told us that she was sick. She lifted up her little cap, and we saw that she had no hair - she had cancer and was receiving weekly chemotherapy treatment. I was shocked because I had no idea. We talked about how the Book of Mormon helps us overcome our challenges and increase our faith, and she gladly took it. We set an appointment for the coming Sunday. Sadly, as we went to go visit her again she wasn't there, but left the Book of Mormon with a note: "This book is hard to understand. The characters are to small; I got a headache. It wasn't written in easy to understand language; it was bad. Sorry." I was puzzled at that. I mean, it's not anything that I did, she tried to read it. But I've been thinking about it and that's kind of the special power of the Book of Mormon - the people that are prepared to receive it will read it and enjoy it. Those who aren't, will reject and throw away the rich goodness of the power of the Book. It was quite a learning experience - and I felt blessed to be an instrument so that she would at least want to try it. Oh well...
On tuesday and wednesday I worked with the Zone leaders and learned quite a bit about teaching and finding. I had a really special experience with their investigators, Mr. Fujita. He's about 70 and he has a disease that doesn't allow him to eat very much, and sometimes it's hard for him to breathe. This causes a severe depletion of his energy and binds him to a wheel-chair (a jazzy scooter if you will :) ). We taught him once and the next morning he needed our help to go to the Hospital. I ended up being the one who carried him up and down the stairs of his apartment, to his wheel chair, and then again at the doctor's office. It was actually quite a comical site if you think about it: a 1.95m foreigner carrying a barely 1.50m tall little japanese man, who can speak both english and japanese, but you can't hear either of them! It was a wonderful service experience, and you could just see the gratitude in his smile. He wants to be baptized and as missionaries we realized that the Gospel will bring him more comfort than he realizes.
We were also able to meet with several brazilian families this week. 2 of which we have appointments to go back and teach. The Izumi family is a mom, and really funny cute daughters: 12, 6, 4. They are fluent in both languages and they seem to really like the missionaries, and we have an appointment to go back and teach them (and we're also hoping that the mom's boyfriend will also be there). Then we also taught Van (Evandro), a father of 2 (keep in mind, he's only 21). He's great and really seems to like what we taught (we've taught him a couple of times now). He was a little drunk last time, but we gave him a pamphlet and the Book of Mormon so that he can read when he's not drunk. It kind of defeated the purpose of meeting him in the first place, but at least we can go back this week.
We taught the Peruvian family, the Kiwakis, lesson 1 again (in Spanish), and it was amazing! The mom really wanted to come to Church, but slept in. However, the daughter came and really seemed to have enjoyed it, making new friends. It was a wonderful experience, and we see a lot of potential in these families.
On saturday we taught a couple of Japanese investigators, Mrs Doi, and Mr Funai. Doi's lesson was amazing - she really needs the Gospel right now, and we feel she is ready to accept it. Funai was good, but the member doing the joint-lesson kind of talked a lot and it didn't end up as effective as we hoped. But it was good. Japanese are really hard to make appointments, everyone is always busy and kind of hard to meet.
It was a really great week, and we're feeling the miracles coming! It's so amazing. But now that we're seeing success, I know I'm gonna get transferred, haha. It seems to have happened that way the last 2 areas, so we'll see if 3rd time is a charm, hehe. I don't want to transfer, but I will do what needs to be done.
I love all of you and pray for your happiness and success. Just remember that Heavenly Father does too, and that He works for every one of you Individually so that you can have peace and happiness and return to Him. I know He loves us. I know He wishes to help us, and will encircle us about the arms of His love, if we come to Him. This work is amazing - it's too fast! I know God cares about each of His children and that's why we're here. I'm thankful everyday for this opportunity. I wish you could all experience this, if you haven't yet. It's truly a marvelous work and a wonder. Christ lives and is our Savior. I bear witness of this in His name, amen.


Elder Mourao

Monday, May 18, 2009


Minasan, osoi ni narimasu!! (That's the new one I learned recently)
How are you guys doing? Good to see that the pig flu hasn't been deemed any more than just a strong flu. It kills every year but no one seems to be making a big deal out of it, I don't get it.... oh well, but it sounds like it came over to Japan pretty recently and there are some people in Kobe and Osaka and there's some fear that it will be getting into our mission in places like Okayama and Tottori - but again, it's a strong flu, as long as I'm not a slob and wash my hands I should be ok. I was just reading recently in Mormon chapters 7.8.9 and it talks about the time of the coming of the Book of Mormon, and it describes exactly the same things that we're experiencing right now. It truly is amazing to have prophets who wrote for US! Well I'll go into that a little bit later.
Our baptismal candidates are still a no show. We've tried calling them from different phones, gone over there, everything! They only call if they need to park here at the Church, it's ridiculous. I'm pretty sure that the 23rd is not going to happen, but we hope to be able to work with them - if we can ever get a hold of them again. But as always, where one door closes, a massive gate gapes open and the blessings of Heaven rush out like Niagara. This last week we had 2 lessons with Mario and Sueli, a couple that was brought to Church about a month and a half ago by a recent-convert Brazilian family. We talked to them every once in a while and got to know them a little better and this last week they became investigators. They said they read the assigned parts of the Book of Mormon and that they'll read the next assignment. The wife however (who seemed to be the better one of the two) has proved to be a little bit more difficult, as she is currently involved in a lot of activities for her current religion: the infamous "Assembleia de Deus". For those that know I can tell you're smiling. Not because I'm making fun of their religion, they have a lot of good people, but they do have a tendency to do these big, overt performances of faith and such. It's quite interesting, but I digress....Anyway, so Mario ended up coming to a little soccer game we made for some investigators and missionaries, and the threat of rain didn't stop the Brazilians from coming. Au contraire, it motivated us to play because it wouldn't be as hot! It was fun and he brought his friend Fernando Norishi (another way cool Christian). Everyone had a good time, however the day after - and even today - are still filled with pain- filled moments of delightful recollection. i.e. my body hurts so bad right now!! Mario has come along from first being an atheist to now wanting to talk more and more about our beliefs. It's funny to watch him during lessons: while his wife is talking he doesn't even care, but as we speak and expound the Restored Gospel, he focuses like no other; it's so awesome!! And this last Sunday, we had our recent-convert family testify of the Restoration and the blessings of faith it brings.
It really touched when they said: "One of the blessings of the Restoration is the strengthening of faith. There are so many religions, and this brings doubt. Doubt diminishes faith, and so having a certainty of the fulness of the Gospel on the Earth now strengthens replaces that doubt with faith." It was beautiful - they've only been baptized for 10 months!
Then our other progressing investigator, Funai-san (yes, he's Japanese, crazy huh?), came not only to play soccer, but to Church again. And this time around he really liked it. It was such a blessing! It's too bad that my translation burdens... aham, I mean priviledges, kept me from talking with him much, but my companion is amazing and he took care of it all, I'm really thankful for him.
We're seeing miracles here, and I love this place. Recently we had an amazing Zone Conference, and our Zone Leaders did a very interesting Instructions. They talked about the qualities of that most-sought-after "Golden Investigators". The number one was "dilligence". Dilligence in keeping commitments and doing what the missionaries ask them to do. To do the will of the Lord and come unto HIm with broken hearts and contrite Spirits. Then he related it to us as missionaries. If we really want to help those people, shouldn't we be leading by example? In Preach My Gospel it states that we can't convert others beyond our own conversion. And it's true.
The next thing (which really touched me, actually) is that we need to become kinjin (golden) missionaries. It's true. If you look at it from an eternal perspective, we are all investigators of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We come unto him with broken hearts as we repent daily, and witness the renewal of our convenants every week at Sacrament Meeting. So what makes us golden missionaries (or investigators)? Dilligence! Dilligence to do what the prophets and the Holy Ghost tell us to do each day in order to come closer to our Heavenly Father. Part of that dilligence is the way we study and apply the Gospel in our lives. We need to deeply study and then live it. That's how we show Father in Heaven that we're repenting and we want the blessings of the Atonement in our lives.
As for us, missionaries, part of that guide is Preach My Gospel. It gives us a promise that if we follow it, we'll be more successfull missionaries. Since then, I've been studying it more deeply and seeking to understand what the Lord would have me do. And it's been amazing.
So I would like to challenge all of you to also become Golden Members! (And if there are any non-members reading this, Golden Investigators!). If you start sutdying the scriptures more in depth, prayerfully, taking notes, pondering about it, you will become more enlightened. And as you apply the principles you learn in your daily lives, you will come to know more deeply the blessings of the Atonement, and strenghten your relationship with Heavenly Father. Which, in turn, will strengthen your testimony, which will support you through your trials and difficulties "through the joy of His son" (Alma 33:23). I know this is true, and this is His work. I know Jesus Christ lives and is our Savior. I know as you take these steps to come closer to Him, you will feel His love more profoundly in your life, and give you strength. I promise you this in His name, even Jesus the Christ, amen.

Elder Victor Mourao

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, May 4, 2009

Piggy disease

Hello everyone!!
How are you doing? Sounds like this Swine Flu is getting everyone and their dog sweating right now. Mission medical sent us a couple of e-mails about it. But nothing anyone can really do about it here. I don't know, it's kind of funny being a missionary: we're so concerned about people's salvation and their wellbeing, that we don't notice all these little things that people keep freaking out about. I mean, they're not necessarily little, but being closer to Heavenly Father definitely gives you a better perspective on things. Like it says in 1 Ne 11:17 - I do know that God loves all of His children; nevertheless I do not know the meaning of all things. The Gospel is really a blessing, and this work is amazing. I can't believe I'll be hitting my year mark next transfer! It's just going sooo fast. I don't have time to think and all of a sudden I'll be going home soon. For you, it might not seem as fast, but it's like we want more time so that we can help these people. We truly want to see them happy. And it's so frustrating, that even though they have received a confirmation, they still choose to follow the path of least resistance, and therefore, missing out on all the great blessings of the Gospel. I can kind of relate it to flying. The faster you go, the more drag (or resistance) you will encounter. However, as your speed increases, you are able to get lift (or the force that pushes you upward). As you ascend, you encounter less resistance, and realize that pushing the limit below has allowed you to travel safer, faster airways. Of course, turbulence is a given (it is still the atmosphere), however, as you focus on keeping your attitude straight and level, not worrying about the slight altitude drops (or things that have minimal importance), you are able to safely, quickly, and happily reach your destination. Maybe that's why I like planes so much... what's not to like right?
So this last week we were able to contact 60 people with only good 23 hours of working time. We did find 2 investigators, and it holds true that the more people you meet, the more likely you are to find those prepared to teach. However, as one of the things that I've been thinking about lately, it has more to do with the quality of these "natural invitations" (as our APs put it), than how many grandmas and grandpas you can gab with in a week. And the principle of you find what you look for. If all you're doing is ineffectively housing places where the old folks live, of course, you will find them. If you are looking for young, normal kids, who are searching for their purpose in life, well, you go to the college. Now you're thinking: "Mourao, it took you that long to figure this out? What's wrong with you? Did Japan mess with you?" Haha. No. But, surprisingly, missionaries set on autopilot and don't actually pay attention for all the great opportunities there are around them in order to find those prospective priesthood holders, bishops, stake presidents, worthy husbands, etc.
For example, we went to go get some new stamps (not mail stamps) for the office and we ended up talking to the man there for 30 minutes. We invited him to hear the lessons, and even though he might not seem that interested now, as we continue to talk to him, that interest will spark. Another example is Fujiwara-san, who we met last night. Good kid. Good job. Doesn't have that much going for him. But, because he works at a Hotel, he wants to learn English. Then, as we teach and show interest in him, he will naturally have those so-called "questions of the soul" come, and we'll be there to help him.
Missionary work is sometimes a lot more simple than we give it credit. In Jacob it talks about those who "look beyond the mark" and miss the simple and plain things. We've decided recently that instead of Investigators and Potential Investigators, we're going to find Friends and Acquaintances. Now, that might sound pretty cheezy, corny, or whatever. The point is, these people aren't numbers. They are children of God, who need the Gospel, even if they don't realize it. So, as we become friends with them, truly show love and charity towards them, show unfeigned interest, and apply the Gospel to their own concerns and questions, they will naturally feel the Gospel bless their lives.
Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Well, saying it is easy. Putting it to practice takes courage, faith, and determination. All of which I'm not sure I have. hehehe. But I'll try. And I know that I'll succeed. I know God lives. I know that because He talks to me and I can feel His love. Prayer is amazing. If you haven't tried it lately, please do. He knows you better than you know yourself. Trust Him. Rely on Him. He'll literally carry you if He has to.
I'm glad to see most of you are doing better, and I continue to pray for your health, happiness and success. I love you all.

Elder Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Golden week!

How is everyone?! Hope that you had a good Easter season this year, and I just can't believe how fast April went by - I don't even know where this transfer went. It seems like only yesterday when I was called to come here to the Honbu (mission office).
Recently there hasn't been much progress with our investigagtors. We've been finding people (including a college student whom we taught lesson 1 in a park half an hour after meeting him in a train, haha!), but most of them don't seem to be wanting to progress. So we're going back to the drawing board and just focusing on those who want to do the things we're inviting them to do. I think it's good, and it's something our leaders have been talking about. That, and not doing "aggressive contacting". Which means chasing people down the street, or trying to cry repentance down the road like a maniac. It really sunk into me that we do cry repentance - by helping people make and keep commitments (quoting Preach My Gospel), and that as they change their old ways, and draw closer to the Lord, we're fulfilling our purpose as missionaries. Like for example: remember Goto Lisa? (I met her on the train my first week in the area). Well, she has been meeting with the missionaries in her own area (but she still likes to call us here, and meet with us in Hikari) and she has been praying everyday (for a lot of reasons, many of which, if I share, would take waaaaay too long, sorry). She initially said that she couldn't be Christian, but now she is slowly realizing that Heavenly Father does love her. That He knows her. That Christ atoned for her. And last Saturday we gave her a blessing. She said, she didn't know why, but her eyes became swollen with tears. Before we performed the blessing, we prayed and got a strong confirmation that she would be cured. I even told Elder Barrus "get ready to get zapped" because the Spirit was so strong. It was amazing. We felt the hand of the Lord there.
And speaking of the Atonement, I've been thinking about that a lot lately. And especially how grateful I am for it. I can feel it as I repent and try to do better. I'm far from perfect. I should be doing things better, but Heavenly Father understands that I'm trying, and through the Atoning Sacrifice of His only Begotten, I can feel the Spirit. I can be guided and become an instrument in his hands. Even though I often feel like part of Bob the Builder's "My first tool kit", I'm grateful for all the miracles that we've seen - all because of the Atonement.
And I've been able to see the changes in other people's lives as well. Yesterday I had the opportunity to perform the baptism of one of two investigators (of the Sister missionaries), 16 year old Tanaka Mariko. It was amazing to see the changes in their lives as they drew closer to Christ, by praying and reading the Book of Mormon.
I can really tell you, and say without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ is the Savior of man kind. That He atoned for each one of us. That He loves us. That through His atonement we can be happy. I'm grateful for the opportunity to gain a personal witness of the Atonement and to use it in order to grow closer to my Heavenly Father. I'm grateful for the Gospel and the restoration of the Priesthood, which unlocks the power of the Atonement to all those who seek it. It's true. I love.
I love all of you and hope for your safety, health, and joy through this life. I hope that we may all become closer to our Savior, and I pray in name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission