Monday, August 31, 2009


Hello everyone! How are you? I hope this short e-mail finds you well and healthy.
It is another busy day at the mission office: my replacement came in today and I have to start training him - along with a million other things I gotta do before I transfer. So yeah, this is a short one, I apologize in advance.
This week was full of miracles again (I'm sorry, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true - there's just so many of them). We had a Chinese party at Church: 4 Chinese investigators come! That includes the family that we've been teaching. Who, by the way, agreed to be baptized!!! We're meeting with them on Tuesday and hopefully setting a date - please pray.
Sadly I'm leaving the area - I don't know where I'm going and that's exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time (I'm pretty sure I didn't spell that right, somebody's gotta tell me how that goes). I'm sad to leave the area, but not sad to leave the office. I'm excited to apply all the things I learned - but haven't had time to do while working in the office.
I love you all, I will continue to pray - and I testify that they are answered! I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, our Savior and Redeemer. He is the head of this Church and continues to guide it through a living prophet. I say these things in His name, Jesus Christ, amen.
With much love,

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Hey, sorry I didn't write you last week, here's what happened:
They (office staff) wanted to go to Miyajima again - it was my 5th time (that's what you get for being in the same zone for a year). So we decided to climb (well, the other 3 did, and dragged me with them - again, 3rd time doing the climb), and we got to the top, but because I wanted to finish it quickly, I told them: "we'll go down the opposite way, it's faster." Well, so genius here leads other 3 guys dressed in white shirts and ties (with a 17 year-old Japanese kid we contacted) down this hour long trail. But I got confused because I had never gone DOWN, that way before. Well, after going down a part, which I'm pretty sure wasn't a trail, we came to a road - a regular car road. So we decided to follow it.
After about 30 minutes running down this thing (it was too painful on the knees to walk it normally), we hit a place near the beach - about 3-4 km away from where we originally started. Taking an hour and a half longer than originally planned.
Long story short, didn't get back in time to do e-mail because we had to work that night.
But, these last two weeks have been incredible. We have been seeing so many miracles. We found 3 new investigators this week, and some great PIs. I feel like we're just being taken by the hand, by a loving Father in Heaven, to find His children who are searching for truth and happiness in this life. It's been an incredible faith-building couple of weeks, as our new investigators have progressed and many prayers have been answered.
Our investigator, Haku-san, is doing amazing. We finished lesson 1 and she knows it's true! It was such a powerful lesson. You can see the joy that the Restored Gospel has brought into her life. She wanted her husband to take the lessons so bad, but it had been 3 weeks and we still hadn't met her him. So this last Saturday, we set up to meet her husband the next day, Sunday. We showed, and I was a little nervous, but I knew that it was going to be okay. He warmly welcomed us into their home and after talking for a little bit, we invited him to hear the lessons and he accepted. His wife, with her wonderful faith, prayed at the end, coming to tears, feeling the joy of the Gospel, and having the Holy Ghost, poured from the Heavens, testify to all of us how the Gospel will bless their family. They're coming to Church next week - it's going to be amazing!
On Friday, we had a special experience in finding. For some reason I wasn't feeling all that great, but we had to work, so we did. We visited a PI that kind of gave the cold shoulder, so we decided to do some finding. We were guided to a building, and the first door we knocked was one, Atachi-san. He thought we were cops, so after checking out the window to see if there was a cop car outside (or a "panda", as they lovingly call them here), he came out, and started to talk to us. After introducing ourselves and talking a little about what we do, we told him that we shared a message about the purpose of life. I asked him if he had ever thought about it before. He responded that he had, especially recently, and paused for a second: "You know, it's hot. Why don't you come in." ---> I don't know how to explain this but: THIS NEVER HAPPENS IN JAPAN!!!! (unless they're drunk - which he wasn't)We taught him right there, and he even came with us to an activity we had that night. He became an investigator and we're meeting him again on Thursday.
I don't even know how to explain to you how incredible it is to be used by the Lord to find those prepared people. As an office missionary, we don't get to work as much. But Heavenly Father lovingly uses the little that we can offer and turns it into miracles. That's the real joy of missionary work. Being guided by the Lord, to do His work, and bring happiness to God's children. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to be here and be part of this incredible work. This is the true Church of Jesus Christ. He lives. He guides this Church. He is the Savior of the world. I know that He shed His won blood for you and me alike, and how eternally grateful I am for His sacrifice. I bear this testimony in His sacred name, Jesus Christ, amen.
In other news, my 6-month odyssey as the Mission Recorder comes to a close as this transfer ends on september 3rd (a week from thursday). I don't know where I'm going to yet, and I won't be able to tell you until the Monday after it happens; just know that I'll be moving to a different area soon. Yep, that's about it. Love you so much. Keep up your faith, and God will make miracles happen. Pray earnestly. Study dilligently. Have faith. 'Til next week.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 6th, 2009....

Hello everyone! How are you all?! Good news to report: no earthquakes here in the area - actually I haven't felt a single earthquake the whole entire time I've been in japan, so that's pretty surprising rto me. The only thing to complain about is this awful heat. It's like being in a sauna whenever you step out of an air-conditioned room. You sweat immediately by just being there. It's bad, but it's part of the experience - I'm loving it! haha It's great to be a missionary. And because I'm so different, it's easier to talk to people. It's something called "gaijin-power" - if you're ever in Japan, learn to harness it: it's got everlasting consequences (like teaching the Gospel).
Anyways, so this week was just one of the most incredible weeks of my mission. We decided some time ago that biking 45 minutes out to meet with people who don't necessarily intend on progressing is not an effective way to work (however much we love them and desire their happiness), so we figured that there are prepared people out here - closer to us and the Church, that we could bring the Gospel to.
Last week I worked with one of the brand new missionaries and we found a potential investigator named Haku-san (she's actcually Chinese, but that's her name's reading in japanese "white"). She told us to come back because her kids were about to jump in the shower. SO me and my companion went and visited her the next day. She was just about to leave so we talked a little bit, and she told us that she'd talk to her husband and give us a call. And maybe we could meet them on that next SUnday. Well, she called and canceled that Saturday before. But she said: "I really want to know more about God and Jesus Christ. Will you come to my house and teach me next Saturday?" .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't even put into words, how happy I was. But that's nothing. So we took one of the new recent-convert Chinese members from the ward to do a joint lesson, 2 days ago. It was the most powerful lesson I've been in my mission - I maybe said 10 sentences. Sister Alicia powerfully testified about God and prayer. Even though neither me or my companion could understand Chinese, the Spirit was so powerful! At the end, Haku-san prayed, and the room was just filled with this Heavenly power and all of us began to cry. She said (in Chinese) "it was amazing!"
She told our member that she had never felt something like that, and that she wants to continue to learn about God, and become closer to the Savior. Well, we gave her a book of mormon and we're going back to teach her next week. Her husband is really busy with work (he is Chinese, but works terrible Japanese hours), but we're hoping to meet him and invite him to the lessons. The members were great and bore powerful testimony.
Then, we also had really interesting experiences all throughout this week. We found some amazing PIs - it was all God, we had nothing to do with it (besides the fact of going out and working). We met a guy and his family, named "Jeff." We housed into him, and found out he's from Wisconsin, came to Japan years ago, married, kids, and just lives about 10 minutes away from us. He was a great guy! Heavenly Father really guided us to Him (i mean, there is no way I could have just gone "let's go to this place, maybe there's an American living on the top floor!") ;-)
We went out to the "torounagashi" this past thursday - this day marked the 64 anniversary of the day the Atomic Bomb fell in Hiroshima. It was full of people, and I think it kind of distracted from the solemnity of the occasion - kinda like a huge hippie fest. We met some interesting people, some of them being people from something called the "Raelian Movement" (look it up, I won't say anything). I got a free hug.
I'm glad to know that everyone's doing good and alive! I hope all is well. I know that our Father in Heaven will continue to pour out HIs Spirit and blessings on us as we continue to live righteous lives, and try each and every day to come closer to Him by following the example of His Son Jesus Christ. I'm so grateful for the Atonement and the opportunity and privilege that's been give to me to be here and tell others about its blessings. I love this place, and I love what I do. The Atonement and this Gospel truly does bless people and families, and changes hearts. Thank you for your continuing love and support; I love you all and pray for the Lord's blessings to be upon each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, August 3, 2009

Atsui ja ke!!!

Konnichiwa!!! Hiroshima wa chou atsui desu yo!!
(It translates: Hiroshima is really freaking hot!)
Hello! How's everyone doing? I hope you aren't melting in the heat right now. I sure am. Went to go fix my tire again today - I was literally sweating just standing on the tube waiting for the patch kit to dry up. And the humidity makes it so bad - you have no idea!!!
But besides the heat, it is amazing over here. We really feel Nakanishi-san is progressing and he's getting more comfortable with Church now. As soon as he can come back to Church, I know for sure he'll get baptized. It's going to be the trial of his faith, and it's going to be a miracle.
Oh, by the way: I DIDN'T TRANSFER! Hahahaha Hikari is the area where the Mission Office is. I'm just the Senior now with a new companion. The area is doing great and we're shifting our focus now: instead of biking out 45 minutes to meet Brazilians that aren't willing to keep commitments, (they're still our good friends, but we've got a job to do) we're going to be working closer to the Church and closer with the members. It's going to be an incredible transfer. I feel it. The Lord is blessing us with so much, and although we don't see numbers like in South America, the work is just as busy, and the Lord works the success here He sees fit to work. It's His work, and knowing that we're doing everything we can to be His instruments is good enough for me: that's all He asks. HE will make the miracles happen, not us.
Anyways, I love all of you. Thank you so much for your support and letters. I will continue to pray for everyone of you. Please trust the Lord, know HIs ways, and He will lead you where you can be happy and grow. This is HIs Church. This is His work. There is a prophet and we receive modern revelation. Tell your friends. The Lord will put in your mouth the words that will touch their hearts. Thank you so much for all you do. In name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission