Tuesday, September 29, 2009

And they just keep on rolling...‏

Konnichiwa! Minasan wa genki desu ka?
How are you?! I love this mission. Its incredible, each and every day is becoming even more amazing. Heavenly Father is moving HIs work along and no unhallowed hand can keep this work from progressing. He sees fit to redeem me from my natural ways; that through the atonement I might be forgiven and cleansed from my mistakes and weaknesses. He watches over this area, and knows the hearts of His children. He prepares them through His holy angels (many who are members and other missionaries) to hear the great news of the Gospel and come unto Christ. I testify of the veracity of this Holy work. I an deeply grateful to be a part of it.
This area is even more amazing then I thought. The members are truly doing a great work with us and it is incredible to see what happens when full-time missionaries and members work together. We had a missionary fireside yesterday and the members are on fire. It was so joyous to see the spark in their eyes as we told them about the miracles, and as we asked them to join with us ever closer in proclaiming this Gospel. Miracles are pouring from Heaven much like the missouri river runs its course.
Yesterday we had an 18yrold girl come in to Church, by herself, knowing no one there. She had the courage to come in and learn about the Church. Well now be teaching her along with members and she will be baptized- I know it!
Takeuchi-san is still coming along great and wants us to share the Gospel with her kids, which can help in softening the husbands heart. Were way excited!!
Sorry I cant write much more. The area is great. I love it. I love my companion,Elder Frogley (from NY). Hes a rock, works super hard and is very bold. I love you all. Keep it going, and trust the Lord! This work is true!
Love ya

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

NOTE BY SILVIA: His address has changed. It is posted on the right hand column :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hey guys!!
Hows it going? Its starting to get nice and chilly here in Yonago, I love it. Its easier to work - well there is a crazy wind blowing here everyday, but no big deal.
Anyways, so it was kind of an up and down week. We found 2 new investigators (one of them is a mom, and sounds like the husband is aldo going to investigate). We had zone conference and that took a day and a half out of our schedule because of travel. Then I got super sick and had to tough it out over the weekend, but its ok, we saw a ton of miracles!!
Remember how I thought I was going to England on my mission? Well, I was just interpreting it wrong. It was actually `you are going to meet some British on your mission.` We found this incredible family and hes already introduced us to a ton of people. We got an appointment on Tuesday please pray for us!
Well the work is going incredible, it slowed down a bit this week, and I was down with a bad cold so I didnt feel too good, but theres so much guidance and revelation i cant even begin to describe it all.
I love you so much, keep up your faith, and see those miracles, theyre everywhere!! Christ lives and He is our Savior. I testify that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and that the Book of Mormon is true, and brings happiness to all those who apply its principles. This work is incredible, I love it!

Elder Mourao

Monday, September 14, 2009

New area!

I`m not gonna go through the niceties cuz i dont have time. Right now, its 4 of us, at the best ward in the mission, and were seeing miracles. This place is amazing.My companion (a new missionary) is great. A lot of faith, a lot of heart and willingly to work super hard. Im really grateful to be here. Were with a 3 transfer missionary, and a brazilian, Elder Bronner - from Curitiba.Weve been already seeing a ton of miracles, finding a ton of people (cuz me and my comp white-washed - started fresh, and clean) in the area. Weve found some families and the members are super excited. Were going to see a ton of baptisms here - can you feel it as I write it? I sure can...
Its a small town in the north end of our mission, and its beautiful. Best thing: no hills!The Lord is placing a lot of trust in us, but with it a way for us to accomplish His will in Yonago. Ive prayed many times and the confirmation has come every time - there will be a lot of baptisms here. My whites are getting ready!!
I love you all and thank you for your support! Thank you for your love and all you do, I continue to pray for all of you. This work is His work, He guides it. This is His Church and His true Gospel revealed by a true prophet. Its awesome. Its powerful. The power of God is being poured here. Love,
Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, September 7, 2009

Big News- and transfer is...

Hey guys!!
Sorry don`t have time. Ill write more next week. Im in Yonago,its amazing already! Love it here.
I went trainer, hes cool. Gonna see miracles.Love you all, Church is true, the Lord guides this work!

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao