Monday, July 27, 2009

Transfer 8

Hey, everyone, how's it going?! Happy that everyone is doing good, and I'm thankful for everyone's pictures... some things have really changed and some have - however, I'm glad to see your faith has only become strengthened, and that your resolution to choose righteous paths have become a beacon to the lives of those around you. Thank you so much for your wonderful examples.
Well, this is it: Transfer 8, Hikari. Since becoming Senior, it's only added on the stress. It's become a time of more fervent prayer to the Lord for help. It's an extremely humbling time for me right now, as I know I cannot do anything without the Lord. As difficult as it seems sometimes (and trust me, it's been really hard), I'm trying more and more to open the way for more revelation. And as always, the Lord works step-by-step, and His ways are much higher than my ways. I feel his help in my life, and I feel strengthned, doing all I can to be the missionary that He wants me to be.
I've asked inumerable times just in these last few days for strength and help, and the Lord has answered my many prayers. He has comforted me, and taught me through the Spirit, as I search for what He would have me do. As hard as it has been, I have been blessed by these experiences.
We finally had an investigator come to Sacrament Meeting!!!! It was amazing and the talks brought a really strong Spirit to the meeting. His name is Bobo, and he was able to sit by Bro. Chin, a recent-convert from China (who just went to the Temple for his first time this weekend). It was powerful, and he said he'll continue to pray and read the Book of Mormon during his month in China. We're pretty excited for him.
Our quest right now is finding people close to the Church, who can come to Church, and will be easy to meet. Our investigators' progression is almost nil because they can't come to Church (because they live far, AND, they are so busy). So I'm really focusing on those people that will actually do things and will WANT to learn and do, instead of just meeting with the missionaries. These last few weeks have been somewhat stressful (including the fact that we had 2 new missionaries come 3 hours late because it rained so hard here)....
...but I'm so happy! I love the mission! I love being here, and having an opportunity to refine myself - not only for now, but especially in the future.
I love this Gospel. I know it is true. I know Christ lives and guides this Church. And through a living prophet, we can receive all the blessings of the Gospel. I love you all, and pray for your safety and success in all you do.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

NOTE BY SILVIA: I'm updating the map below with HIKARI, JAPAN.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ta caindo um pe d'agua!‏

Mina genki desu ka? How's everyone doing back home? Thank you for the e-mails, I'm happy to see everyone is doing good, and that the Lord is blessing you so much.
This week was incredible. We had miracles pretty much everyday, and even Nakanishi-san came back to progressing status. We're pretty much done with this transfer now, and it just flew by: i don't even know what happened. I think my body is starting to feel the long days and non-stop work. I was talking to Elder Bishoff (one of the APs) and it went something like this:
"does your body hurt?"
"-well, yeah." "are you tired all the time?"
"-...yeah..." "how are your letters?"
"-well, I don't really get any..."
"well, it sounds like it's time for you to go senior."
Well, yeah, that's what's happening. I'll let you know what actually happens - if by some miracle, Heavenly Father sees fit that a 5 transfer missionary go senior over a 8 transfer missionary, I would be pretty happy. But, I don't think that Heavenly Father quite works like that.... ganbaru shika nai... (literally meaning: nothing more to do than work hard).
I worked with the other Brazilian elder on Tuesday and it was pretty good. Something happened that night that helps me testify to you that Angels still do minister to the children of men. It was a special spiritual experience and I won't go into details here, to preserve its sacreness. It was, however, incredible, and our good friend Fabio was able to have a spiritual experience he will never forget.
We met with him again on Thursday, for an incredible lesson. He will get baptized soon - he needs the Gospel and the changing power of the Atonement. He knows it's true, and he's excited to feel it and learn it. That same night we were able to have another miracle as Wakisaka-san called us to meet. It was really sudden, but it was God guiding him and us that night. We had an incredible lesson. He wants to learn more, and he posed the same questions as Joseph Smith; he's golden! He said that his wife might be a problem seeing she's a different religion, but we asked him to pray about it. He's great. And all that because we gave him our card and number as we were waiting at the train tracks. Amazing!!
Then yesterday we went with Nakanishi-san to my beloved Hatsukaichi (my first area). They had a baptism there, and it was incredible. He's almost kind a less active - seeing he attended Church for 3 years and read the BofM 3 times. He's doing great and progressing now, and he is just working on getting a confirmation. He'll be baptized in no time after that.
My beloved family members and friends, I testify to you that God lives. That He guides this Church. That Jesus is the Christ; the Redeemer and Savior of this world. He is the head of this Church, guiding it through living Prophets and Apostles. What a blessing it is to have the specific guidance we need for our days. I hope we may all continue to study the words of modern and ancient prophets, and that through living the true gospel of Jesus Christ, we may gain a greater understanding of the Atonement. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.
With much love,

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The year mark...

Konnichiwa! ichinen tatte omedeto gozaimasu!
So this is it: this thursday marks the year since I entered the MTC in Provo. It's been an incredible journey, filled with Spiritual experiences, and I have felt the love of the Lord as I served among HIs children, the wonderful people of Japan. I've been richly blessed, and I hope for many even greater things for the next year. I am so excited for what's up ahead. I can't wait to become an even sharper tool in the hand of our Lord as I try to align myself more and more to His will.
So to begin, I've got an announcement: .... i'm pregnant.
No, I'm staying here for at least one more transfer. One who will not however, is my beloved companion, Elder Goto. I am, however, about to be richly blessed by another companion (again, Japanese), Elder Masui. He is a great guy, and just came out of the area where I started (Hatsukaichi), with another Brazilian companion, Elder Magno (who I get to work with tomorrow on exchanges).
This week has been incredible and we saw a lot of miracles, in our area, in myself, and as a mission.
We were able to find 2 good investigators, 1 peruvian (Wagner Flores) and also 1 brazilian (Our investigator's wife, Marcia - who is already almost done with the Book of Mormon, crazy huh?!). The work is moving along more rapidly now, and my next challenge is getting investigators to Church. That has defintely proven to be the hardest thing to do around here, but I know with the help of the Lord we can do many and great things.
The Izumis are still there. They've really slowed down in their progressing because we haven't been able to meet them and do a lesson - her work (which BTW is a place for "female company" - that's another problem we're gonna have to tackle) has lost an employee, and now she has to work her shifts, making her work everynight, along with her regular full-time day-job. It's frustrating, but I'm excited because it will be an oppportunity to show faith and conquering a challenge. I'm really starting to enjoy those now, because they always strenghten my testimony of the blessings of the Gospel. Please pray for them.
Well, I'm doing good: I think I've finally started to gain some weight (I think), although fatigue from the heat is starting to kick in big time. Japan is the hottest place I've ever been to! It's quite ridiculous, actually.
Thank you so much for all your prayers, your love and support. I'm grateful for all of you, and all that you are doing. Hang in there, ttrust in the Lord, follow HIs path, and HE will NOT let you down!! I'm so grateful for this Gospel, and this work. I'm especially grateful for the Atonement, and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray that all of us will come to understand His eternal sacrifice more deeply as we live this wonderful Gospel, in His name, Jesus Christ, amen.
PS:the first picture is what happened to my shoe. Then the second is Elder Goto (top), Elder Masui (Middle), Elder Mourao's nose (bottom), and the AP (Elder Bishoff) who is partially hidden. He does talk a lot, so just seeing his mouth is enough I think (just kidding, I love the guy!). The third one is me and my companion on an actual contact: it was after we left the restaurant we were eating at with Pres Isa and his family. So his daughter took this picture and gave it to us. There you have it, missionary work in Japan!
Oh, and we had a barbecue at a member's house this weekend, and as a good Brazilian, I manned the grill: it was incredible, if I do say so myself :).
Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

His testimony...

Hello everyone!! Today is just a wonderful day. Health, strength, and many blessings are pouring from Heaven and God lives and He guides us. What a wonderful time to be alive, with God's living Church on this Earth.
I've thought recently about the Restoration of the Gospel, and what it means to me. And in a few words, this is (again, to me) the importance of the Restoration:By divine attendance, we know now, the relationship between God and man. That God is a real being, a perfect person, and He lives and Guides us. We also know, through the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, cointained in the precious pages of the Book of Mormon, what we must do to be happy in this life, and how to return to God's presence. We know what we must do to enjoy the full blessings of the Atonement, and we know that Christ lives, and that He guides His Church in these uncertain times. -----> how great is the calling to be here and proclaim this wonderful truth!! A marvelous work and a wonder isn't it?
This week has been great. By following Preach my Gospel more obediently we've been able to see more progress in our investigators, and although we don't have a for sure baptism date yet, they are thinking and praying about it. And that shows an increase of faith in Christ.
Recently, I've been beating my brains out trying to force Revelation, and trying to know what God wants me to do. Well, I'd like to revert to a quote by the 1st counselor of my branch presidency in the MTC: "Do you want to know the secret to being a good missionary?! Brethren, the code has been written!! [while pointing to a copy of PMG] The SECRET has been PUBLISHED!!" Wow. I didn't realize that until coming out to the mission field! It's kind of like, "duh!", but you forget the simple things, especially when you're faced with the big challenges. But I know that PMG is the key to receiving more Revelation because that is the Lord's way. When Nephi built the ship, he built it according to the manner of the Lord. This is His work, therefore we're entitled to His help. And I've been receiving that help during lessons in saying things I didn't know how to say, or things that would get the investigator to ponder and feel the Spirit; as well as the smaller things, such as being able to receiving directions for going places in my head, without looking at the map.
Then I realized, that this is not something just missionaries are entitled to: it is all of those people who have received the Holy Ghost that have this privilege. I encourage you all to pray for it and corageously follow it. You will see miracles at every step of the journey. It is amazing!
Thank you for your love and support and I want to express my love and gratitude for each one of you and all you've done. I hope in some small way, these letters make a difference, and I hope that you are touched by the Spirit despite my weakness in writing and my relatively weak testimony. I hope to rejoice and grow in the Gospel with all of you. And until next week, I pray for your health and happiness, that you may overcome your challenges and trials with joy and patience, for the Highest of them all, has gone below them all. He has "overcome the world". In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Mourao

PS: Mae, pai, obrigado por tudo o que vcs estao fazendo agora. Eu nao tenho palavras para agredecer a voces e o nosso Pai Celestial. Te amo muito!

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission