Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dirty Chinese wind

Minnasan!! Ohayoo gozaimasu!!!

Hows everyone doing?! Thank you so much for the emails this last week - Im so happy to hear that all of you are doing good and being abundantly blessed by the Lord. Thank you for your faith, testimonies, and prayers!
This last week we had 3 consecutive days of sunshine (including today), so I wonder if theres anything wrong... But on Saturday, it was pretty nuts. We had temperatures of about 27 Celsius (HIgh 80s Farenheit) and then around 7 o`clock at night things turned really bad. A huge storm hit, and the temperature dropped to no more than 10 Celsius (50 Farenheit). It rained a lot - causing flood warnings in some places. When we woke up, everything was covered in mud - all the cars looked like they went rally-racing for the weekend. When we asked what it was, they said it was `kousa` (I dont know it in English). They said that heavy winds from china kicked up dust into the air and blew it into Japan.
So in short, dirty China air came to Japan.
Yeah, sure: blame the Chinese....
We had some awesome miracles happen while finding this last week. We were able to have a lady become investigator - shes more than your average golden investigator: shes like... platinum? ... .... .... well, anyway, shes incredible, and it sounds like the husband might give us a chance to teach him too. Were super excited!
Our Chinese investigator was able to keep the word of wisdom, but even though hes been committed to come to church every sunday this transfer, hes slept in everytime and has progressed at all. Oh well, well try and keep going with him.
Anyways, today will be short since its Hiroshima again, and I have to report the Zone Numbers by email.
I love each and every one of you. I pray and hope for your comfort, happiness and that your trials will be opportunities to come closer to the Savior. I know He lives and that He guides this work. Im thankful for a living prophet on the Earth, and that the keys and knowledge of His Gospel have once again been restored in our times. What a great time to be alive! Im thankful for the Savior and all Hes done for me, and the blessings this Gospel brings. I testify of this in His holy Name, even Jesus Christ, amen.
With all my love,

Elder Victor Mourao

Warming up... ka na?

Hello everyone!!!

Man, Im so blessed to havesuch a wonderful family.... I really love each and everyone of you so much! Thank you for everything you do!
We had a great week last week - numbers are still not what we hoped but were wroking super hard and thats whats important. We can still improve on a lot of things, but in the end, its the Lord and His timing for things.
I did an exchange with the Tottori Elders last week. Because of train delays and such, we spent about 8 or so extra hours riding. It was awful! haha but just one of those things that I will end up missing, right?
I had a super hard day last week. I woke up early, and I was feeling reeeeaaaaally tired. (Not gonna lie, Im gonna crash on the couch when I get home, and barely make it to Church two days later). We had to plan some stuff so we couldnt leave the apartment right away, then when we finally left, it started to rain. Im kind of used to it by now, so even though it was super cold (and actually it was like half-snow) I was still ok. But then I went to ride my bike and,.... I had a flat tire. So I spent a good time taking it out, trying to find a problem that wasnt there, then 2 hours later after fixing the bike, we left.
It was all ok except that before going to a members house for dinner, I came down with a migrane. And we had to ride 45 minutes out to their house thats in the mountains - in the snow.
I honestly didnt know if I was going to make it through the end of the day. When it came down to it, I had a choice to keep suffering, or seek the Lords help in prayer. I cant begin to describe how sweet and beautiful that moment with the Lord was. He really healed my heart. He healed my headache. And He gave me strength and peace to work the rest of the day. My heart was enveloped by His love and He stilled my fears, and anxieties. I felt His pure love in such a special way that it is difficult to describe it words. If I hadnt had such a rough day, I would have never had such an experience. Im so grateful for my trials, and especially the Lord and His atonement, who prepared the way to take our load off our shoulders, and give us strength to bear "with patience our afflictions."
That night we had an opportunity to teach a part-member family and help the dad come closer to hearing the lessons. It was a great blessing.
I also learned this week the importance of trusting in the Lord. We are not expected to solve everything by ourselves. The Lord also doesnt expect us to perform miracles - thats His business. I was really frustrated and sad lately with the lack of progress the area had seen, and not being able to see baptisms yet, But as I read the scriptures, and later talked with my companion, it is not only unfair to think that because of me (or us) were not seeing miracles: it is also prideful. Of course, we are expected to be obedient and work hard, following Preach My Gospel and the counsel of our leaders, but in the end, Heavenly Father will work things out in His timing. A successful missionary is one who works hard everyday, and tries to improve in every aspect - but hes not the one whos performing the miracles. That is not our load.
So sometimes we can be frustrated when things dont work out the way we want them to, but the Lord is moving His work in unseen ways. If we know we are doing all we can, there is no need to worry, or need for anxiety.
As I learned and pondered this principle I comitted to humble myself and leave it to the Lord, His will, and His wisdom. As I did so, the heaviness of my heart went away, and all of a sudden the work became much more fun again. I could see more of the joys that I couldnt see beyond my own pride, thinking that I had to do everything myself. It became a great learning experience.
I know that this is His work. He guides it. He loves each one of His children and He has prepared a way for their Salvation. Jesus is the Christ and our Redeemer. Our Mediator with the Father. He comforts us, He heals us, and He will make us perfect as we dilligently follow Him. And I testify of this in His name, Jesus Christ, amen.
Thanks for all that you guys are doing. I appreciate your encouragement, testimony and help. Im excited to see you when I get back, but until then, I plan on continuing to work hard here. I love this place!
With all my love,

Elder Mourao

Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's getting cold again. I don't get it.

Hey guys!! Hows it going? Happy march... I cant believe its here already - time is just flying by as usual... I mean, everyone elses time. As for us, were working our butts off to see a baptism this month. If anyones got any suggestions, were open to all of them - honestly, ALL OF THEM!
This last week was kind of rough, but we were able to end Zone Conferences without any major incidents. President Isa is speeding things up now so it was kind of an interesting Conference, where me and my companion had to conduct 6 hours of meetings.... Im so tired............
Work in Matsue is still pretty rough, but our Chinese investigator finally came back from China, and we were able to make some additional progress with Morimoto-san, who could get baptized at any time now - except, like everyone else, shes suffering from a common Japanese disease called "busycitis". You heard about it? Its great, it takes your ability to make righteous choices and wears your heart, soul, and body down to the ground. In severe cases, it causes suicide.
As far as me... lets see.... Physically: terrible. Ive never been this tired in my whole life. I sometimes cant will my own body to get up early. Theres no pain, just a constant fatigue. Oh well, I think it will go away in June. And I pretend on working hard until then. Good luck in getting me out of that coma when I get home.
I did have an interesting experience however, so Id like to share some thoughts - no surprise there, huh?
Me and my companion volunteer at a school. Its a normal school except its meant for kids with problems (anxiety, hyper-activity, mood disorders, etc... -hey sounds like the kind of place I should have gone to :) ) They had the graduation last saturday and the students themselves conducted and performed the ceremony as well as other "interesting events" like musical numbers, etc. The place is actually on the other side of the mountain from Matsue, and if you take a look at the Google map, you can tell kind of where it is. Its on the north coast, which means a 12 kilometer ride from Matsue (probably 15 or 17 km from our apartment) - up and down the mountain. It kind of felt like I was doing the Tour de France in a suit, to be honest.
Anyways, so I was in the front and didnt really remember the directions all that well. After passing the first tunnel, we came up on a intersecting road, that took us straight down and to the west. I thought it was it, and after 40 minutes of riding uphill, the moment I saw the downhill, I just booked it.
But I didnt pay attention to the voice that told me we took the wrong turn. No, not the Holy Ghost. It was my companion. But I was in such a hurry that I didnt pay attention and rode 10 minutes down the slope until I had to stop - I realized that this wasnt it. We asked for directions and got told to get back on the original rode and ride that to the coast. I was sooooo mad. Not at anyone but myself.
This meant that we had to bike 20 minutes or so uphill, get back to the road, ride uphill some more, then down again.
Well, the point of this story is this. In life we sometimes ignore the promptings of the Spirit when we see a road that looks "about right", downhill and easy to ride, when in fact, it will take us in a direction almost opposite of where we want to go. Our purpose in life, or destination, if you will, is to become like the Savior and our Heavenly Father, and thus return to their presence. A lot of things stun that progress, and big mistakes can severely retard it. ... Riding up that hill, how i wished that lost time back again. How I wished I wouldnt have made that decision. ... In life, same as everything else, time cant be regained. Time that couldve been spent on our personal growth and progression towards our eternal goal, has now been lost.
However, the Savior has made it possible for us to be granted mercy through the gift of repentance. Because of his atoning sacrifice, we can be sure that however big a mistake weve made, we can be cleansed, changed, and purified; and eventually be welcomed by the loving arms of our Father in Heaven. How sweet is His love and mercy! Im eternally grateful for the Atonement in my life, and the eternal sacrifice that the Savior gave for me, and each one of us. I know He is the Savior of the world. He lives! He loves us! Through Him, we can be wrapped in the arms of safety, and enjoy greater peace and joy in this life, amidst the many trials we will definetely face. Im so grateful for this gospel, and the happiness it has brought to my life. And I rejoice when I see those that I love, striving to live, and as we work together, we can enjoy the fruits thereof.
I know He lives because He comforts me. Even today, frustrated, tired, feeling deep disappointment, He showed me a better way, through the words of his holy prophets. The scriptures have a real power to guide and comfort us. I dont how else to express this joy - its just ... wonderful!
I love everyone of you. I pray for your comfort happiness and success. I pray that each of us can learn, and come closer to the Savior this week, in His holy name, Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Mourao

Monday, March 1, 2010


Hey everyone!!

So heres the new email... not a big deal though. Sorry I didnt write last week: it was Zone Leader Training Council and before we got on the bus for Hiroshima some members took us to this flower garden - where I was able to get in touch with my feminine side...?! wakaranai.... hahaha Anyways, time got cut way short.

So a lot of things are happening right now in the mission. First of all, I am safe. We live on the north side of honshu (main island) so we had no effect whatsoever. Its been warmer now going into march; its been nice but now its been raining for the last 4 or 5 days, but its normal in this part of the country.

Recently the work has been good, but nothing major has been happening as far as our area. As much as we trying to push the work and the members here, it will have to go at their pace - kind of slow. But oh well, thats the way it goes. We found a family that I think were going to be able to teach, so were pretty excited about that. Were going to try to visit them tonight.

In other news, in Yonago (my last area, which happens to be next door to where I am at) Sis Takeuchi's daughter is getting the lessons and theyre going to try to commit her to baptism!! Its pretty exciting and we asked the whole zone to fast for them so they can have that miracle happen.

As far as my health goes, my companion said I have huge bags under my eyes - it looks like my eyes got decked by Mike Tyson. The only difference is that my ear is still intact.

Two weeks ago my companion gave me a priesthood blessing to help with the massive backaches I was dealing with. Its gone. It was such a miracle!!

I wake up everyday and I am so grateful to be a missionary. Honestly, its really tough. But Im so grateful for the opportunity to be here and serve the Lord. The more I try, the more I realize my weaknesses, and the more I realize how much the Lord, through the Atonement, is making everything right now possible. I love the Lord; He is my Savior and Redeemer. And He comforts me, guides me, and strenghtens me in ways I have never imagined.

Recently i read a quote from Pres. Eyring that goes something like this:

"Our purpose in this life, is not overcome our trials and difficulties. It is to see if we will make correct choices amidst the trials."

I have a firm belief that we were sent here to Earth, not to do, but to become. That is how we will be judged. The Savior made it possible, through the Atonement, to change our hearts if we have faith in Him, and are obedient to His gospel and commandments. The way is prepared to save men from the Fall and make us perfect. As Moroni said: "be perfected in Christ". I solemnly testify that the way to Eternal Life has been prepared, and that as we listen to prophetic council, we "can be even as He is." That is the eternal perspective. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

WIth all my love,

Elder Mourao