Monday, May 24, 2010

Choveu, e Cho veio

Sorry Ive been on a Portuguese run for these last couple of weeks. Its kind of funny to realize all the really random words I can remember in portuguese... me and my companion Elder Mauricio, have been making Silvio Santos jokes nonstop [please ask if you dont know what it means - preferably to a brazilian]

Its been a really incredible week, but its also been a little rough personally.
Cho decided to move his baptismal date to the 5th of June, so well be having a baptismal service in 2 weeks!! Its sooooo exciting! That guy is so prepared I cant even describe - hes reading, praying, and hes super excited about the baptism. We showed him the font and his baptismal clothes yesterday, and he was just beaming with excitement. Hes one of those special spirits who truly hearkened to the voice of the good shepherd - and he knows His voice, for he is His.
We had been praying so that Cho would be able to come to Church, and Heavenly Father made the way - because it is His will. And the rain came and it was the most beautiful rain I have ever seen. It poured, and oh, how it poured upon the heads of the saints here in Matsuyama!
We were able to spend the last part of Church with Cho, taught the last couple of commandments and reviewed the baptismal interview questions with him - it was weird because it was all so perfect; what we planned became reality as we were able to align to the will of the Lord in a such an unreal way. Now that I look back, it was the arm of the Lord through revelation guiding us.
During sacrament meeting I was also asked to give a talk - on the spot. I was supposed to give a talk next week but the brother that was supposed to do it yesterday didnt come. Well, they figure missionaries can do it... oh well....
But it became a remarkable experience for me. I had no script, no plans, nothing that I particularly wanted to talk about. However, as I sought revelation, it became clear to me what I should teach, and what scriptures I should use. As I pondered upon the things the Spirit taught me, I sought the reassurance of the Holy Ghost and I felt at peace, with an unusual sense of confidence and faith that it would be good.
I honestly have to say, it was one of the strongest spiritual experiences I have ever had. My heart burned the entire unplanned 20 minutes I was up there. The Spirit I felt was so overwhelming afterwards that my body was as if it was left without energy, without strength, as I sat back and pondered over the preceding 20 minutes. The Spirit of the Lord had worked in a peculiar way and I myself (perhaps beyond anyone else) was in wonder at how powerful a talk it became. It was a special time to testify of the Great Plan of Salvation and the Atonement of the Savior, and I am grateful to be able to have had this wonderful experience.
But in retrospect, it also became a very difficult week as I battled against fatigue and the temptations of the adversary. Especially as it approaches time to come home, I have been battling out thoughts of home, and of worldly things. My fatigue has added up to the point where I cant sometimes focus spiritually, and it has become increasingly difficult to have an edge. However, as I reflect upon this, remembering my many, many weakness, I remember how much the Savior suffered. He was tempted and tried above the ability of any other child of God. He suffered above all others. He tasted the bitter cup so that we wouldnt have to. And so, if I, in my own faitgue, in my own weakness, am not alone. I dont have to succumb for He is my strength. He is my Savior, Rock, and my Redeemer. As Nephi declare, "Why should I give way to temptations, that the evil one may have place in my heart to destroy my peace and afflict my soul?"
It is hard. But it is not impossible. And I learned from this experience that no matter where I am, I can always find strength and comfort in the Savior - whatever the challenge may be.
I love each and every one of you. I am eternally grateful for so many of the sacrifices that many of you made so that I could be here and help move this great work. And especially grateful for the sacrifice of my best friend, my advocate with the Father, who stands ready at all times to assist and comfort us - so why shouldnt we do so for Him, and help to lift the burden of those around us? I hope that throughout the rest of this week, we can be better at "putting off the natural man" and learn to walk more and more, closer and closer, to His footsteps, for they will lead us to a great and happier tomorrow - a truly free tomorrow - in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Mourao

Last leg... and changes...

[this is what I sent last week - so for those that didnt get it... thanks!!]

So big news...
I extended!!!
No, Im just kidding, I wouldnt do that.
But, I did get transferred - Im now in Matsuyama. My first time in the island of shikoku. Never thought I was going to make it down here, I really thought that i was going to die in my beloved Yonago. But I guess the Lord had different plans for me. And He always does the best for me, so Im not worried.
But to be honest, I am really sad about leaving the wonderful members, and having to pass the torch to my ex-companion, Elder Muraoka. Not sad for him, but just sad that I couldnt see some of that work til the end. But, with Paul, I planted, others watered, but 'God gave the increase'. And Im not sad because I know this is His work and its His glory and not mine.
However, it already has begun into a growing experience. To be molded to the will of the Lord. And to be able to have another opportunity to grow and become a better missionary. It was weird because I thought I was going to get trunkie and stuff about leaving Yonago and only being here for 1 transfer - but on the contrary: the Lord shaped me and strengthened me enough so that I didnt even think twice - before I realized it, I was already on the go, getting right down to the work, excited about the things we are going to see here, regardless how short a stay I will have - I plan to make the most of it.
Its really wonderful how the Savior has given me this chance to see how much He has helped me grown. One thing I realized recently is how much I need to acknowledge the Atonement of the Savior every day. How much I need to let my heart fill with gratitude for His sacrifice. In turn I can feel more of his love, and gain a greater appreciation and testimony of the Gospel and of the Savior.
He made me into someone who I never knew I could become. I am speechless when I think about how much he has helped me achieve as Ive put my trust in Him, and followed His counsels. My companion told me of a story Elder Holland once told some missionaries in the MTC. Ill try to do the best I can to paraphrase it.
"The Lord sits over at the edge of the cliff and beckons us, 'come to the edge.' However, we are scared, and dont want to get that close, for we will surely fall. Yet, He calls again. And again. Until we summon enough faith and trust in the Lord that He will catch us. Then as we come closer to the cliff He pushes us.
Then we fly."
Thats how the mission has been for me. Filled with scary moments and tough decisions. However the Lord has supported me and strengthened me every time, helping me fly and achieve the impossible. Im so grateful for His atoning sacrifice, which yields the power necessary in order for me to change and do as He has asked, And Im grateful for the opportunity Ive had to be a missionary, and know the Savior and His atonement personally.
Well, here in Matsuyama, were doing good. For the first time in my mission I was paired up with another brazilian, Elder Mauricio (de Souza). Hes from Brasilia, and weve become good friends already. Im kind of training him - seeing as its only his second transfer and the first didnt go so smoothly I think.
We have one baptism set for the 27th of June for our beloved Chinese investigator, Cho. Hes great, loves the gospel, and is really excited about the baptism. Its just hard for him to come to Church because hes on a Agricultural learning program from China that doesnt allow him days off - at all. Well, unless it rains.
The town itself is huge (about the size of Hiroshima), which makes for long commutes on the bike. Its really hot right now, but Im starting to really like it here. Weve got some good investigators (although they are few), and the members are great.
Im not sure what else to write except for now we have better computer access and I can write longer.... but Im not sure what to write...
Well, the apartment is really nice..
...its a lot cleaner than any other apartment Ive been.
Dont know a lot about the town since Ive only been here for 4 days... it's hot and big....
Well, i guess I will see you guys soon. I know how everyone is loving the whole countdown thing, but its not really hitting me. It doesnt feel like Im going home.
...I cant really think of any thing else to write, but my testimony of the truthfulness of this wonderful Gospel. I am in tears to think that the Lord has seen in His wisdom to let a wretched man like me participate in this glorious work. He truly is our Savior and Redeemer. Nothing else in this world matters. Not cars, houses, jobs, riches, fame; It is a gospel of who we can become and to realize that potential, God sent His only begotten in the flesh, and watched Him suffer the pains of the rest of His Spirit children so that mercy could overpower justice and give us another chance to come back to His presence. That is how much He loves us.
So no matter how ugly a situation youre facing, no matter how hopeless it looks: just choose the right. Choose to do as the Savior would. Let Him change you, and it will bring more peace and happiness than any other endeavor. Remember that we are taught to Love God, not because He needs our love or attention, but because "what we love, determines who we are and who we will become." And that is our goal in this life. And to teach that to our children. So that they can too know the joy of walking in His ways. For I know how great that joy is. And "I rejoice in it above all the world." In His name, even Jesus Christ, amen.
With all my love,

Elder Mourao

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's hot here!!

Hello.... Im sorry for not writing....

Its been super busy with everything thats going on here, with the Zone and Mission. We had a Conference with Elder Choi of the Seventy. And so we had to go to Hiroshima and I couldnt wirte you guys.
Well, the new week is here and this transfer is almost over. Will be done next week. So one more left. A lot of really weird feelings, but I feel at peace about afterwards, because I committed to be a much different person than when I left on the mission. Ive changed considerably, and so dont be shocked. I look at myself now, and who I used to be and my heart is just overjoyed with gratitude for the Savior and His atonement. And its spectacular how much the Gospel changes people. Im living proof.
Anyways, so were getting some investigators closer to baptisms - one is at the border of committing to the 22nd of May. Were super stoked about the many miracles were seeing here and other areas of our zone.
My companion is doing good - hes a great example of obedience and hard work, and he helps me to become a better missionary. Im older, but Im still learning a lot from him.
Thanks for all the emails. Im sorry I cant write a whole lot but I figured its so close to me going home that you wouldnt mind as much. Ill try to get some letters out, but P-days are seriously the worst days. We spent all our energy on doing menial tasks, and it takes a lot of time because eveything is so far from the apartment. sigh...
So Bobby is out huh?! Thats so wonderful! Im excited for him and the great missionary and priesthood holder hell be. Hes gonna be seeing a ton of baptisms... friggin` Brazil... every door we knock here is a baptism there... so I guess well keep on knocking doors!! hehe
Anyways I love you all and Im excited to talk to you. Sorry Ive been bad at emails, but this month should be ok, and Ill explain a little more during the phone call.
May the Spirit of the Lord be poured upon you and your ways be lit up by the joy of the Gospel, is my prayer, in the name of the Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Mourao