Monday, December 28, 2009

... and a happy new year!

Shinnen ga akete omedeto gozaimasu!
And thats happy new year in Japan - or something like that... I hope this email finds you all healthy and well, despite difficult circumstances, and that you still have the Spirit of Christ(mas) in your hearts, and will continue to do so for the next year.
I have had a chance to look back and see how many different ways Ive been truly blessed this year, and you all are part of those blessings. I love this Gospel, and Im truly thankful for it, for in spite of our circumstances, we can know that all our trials will make us better people, and hopefully draw us closer to our Savior, our Rock and our Redeemer. We need only be humble, and have an open heart to listen to what the Creator wants us to learn. It is an advantage to know, as latter-day saints, that the Atonement has been wrought, that the victory has been won, and that we have the everlasting power of the Atonement available to us through modern day Revelation and restored Priesthood power and keys.
Whatever circumstances were found in, the Savior is always there with his arm of mercy extended to those who are humble enough to heed His call. It is my hope that were all humble enough to accept the Saviors loving-grace and mercy, and that well continue to do so throughout our lives, shining His light to those around us.
Yonago is currently booming with excitement and miracles. We saw the baptism of Kimachi yesterday, a 12 yr-old friend of a member. She was brought to Church through the sweet and innocent faith of her 11 yr old friend, and she entered the waters of baptism within the sight of her mom. We have the after baptism lessons scheduled with the mom, so were excited at what the new year will bring.
These will be my last 6 months as a missionary, and Im so excited for whats in store. The mission President has called for a mission wide rally for 90 baptisms until I return, and so everyone is getting down on their knees and pouring out their hearts for the opportunity to help these 90 brothers and sisters to come to Christ. It is a great call, and challenging times will be ahead - but certainly along with miracles and joy beyonf description in the work of Salvation of His children.
Im truly thankful for each one of you and the many sacrifices make. Youre a great example to me, and I hope that the light of the Gospel will continue to burn as we come closer to our Savior and Redeemer, Wonderful, Couselor, The MIghty God, the Prince of Peace, even Jesus Christ, is my prayer, in His holy name, amen. With all my love,

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mobs may combine, armies may...

...assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of the Lord will go forth boldly, nobly and independent - unless its a nasty case of the swine flu.
So this is it. It finally got me. I got the swine flu. I was down 2 days with aches and a fever, but now Im ok. I got a pretty nasty cough as a present, but Swine Flu Santa has now gone and visited all the little children. Sister Takeuchi got it too, as well as some 15 people in the ward - which caused a somewhat comical Christmas sacrament meeting. Investigators kids also got it. People that we housed also got it. Its a big old viral peace pipe of fever. The work is doing good, but I wish we could have worked more in order to find more people to teach. Its been a rough week, but I felt the love of the Lord deeply, especially as I lay there in my futon.
I really felt that because I was sick in bed, that I was far away from the Lord, but as I prayed, I felt the Lord so close, comforting me and helping me have the rest I needed. He truly carried me, even on something just as simple as a sickness - it goes to show how much the Atonement spans. I am truly thankful to have had this experience, and it helped me to know just one more way that the Savior has blessed me and supported me.
Looks like were still looking good for the 27th for the baptism, so were getting very excited and there are another couple of people that could get baptized very quickly too. I feel like Im leaving the area coming the new year so I will have ample opportunities to grow and develop even more. Im excited and were setting some very high goals as a mission for baptisms.
Oh, and before I forget. Last week we got our first snowstorm of the year, and it completely took over Yonago. It was really pretty but working in it became an interesting experience as our bikes tracked through the snow.
I love you all, and hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas. Stay warm, and remember to stay close to the Lord, for He truly is the Light and Life, and as we learn of Him and follow His footsteps, we will never walk in darkness, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Love, (and a warm Merry Christmas)

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Monday, December 14, 2009

I'll be home for Christmas...

Gomen nasai....
How is everyone doing? Hope your Christmas is as bright as mine - being away in all. I love being a missionary. It helped realized how many blessings the Lord has poured upon my life. It has helped me gain a greater testimony of the Savior and Ive been able to come closer to Him by living a more Gospel centered life, and my heart is abounding with gratitude and love for all those around me, especially my family. I love my family with all my heart and Im so grateful for the countless sacrifices they have made in my behalf, allowing me to serve the Lord with all my heart. And all those friends who are also family to me too, all their love and support.
I am so blessed to have the Gospel in my life. As I was sitting after lunch yesterday, I was pondering upon the many blessings weve been given recently and I turned to my companion and said: Im so tired, but Im so happy. I love being a missionary.
He kind of looked at me weird but he understood.
Im sad because this is the last Christmas Ill spend as a missionary. I cant believe I only have 4 transfers left - I dont want it to be over. I love this marvelous work. Which brings me to my next point:
We were on the way to Zone COnference in Okayama, good 2.5 hours by bus. I fell asleep shortly after our rest stop, only to wake up to a really strange feeling of something being wrong. I looked back and behind the sisters, there was a young woman, probably around our age, going into convulsions. She was having an epileptic attack. My first thought was `grab her tongue` (good old boy scouts huh?) so she doesnt chole ot death. It was pretty violent and it was difficult to keep her down. The next thing that came to me was to give her a blessing. As my companion struggled to grab her tongue (getting his finger bit in the process), I administered one of the quickest blessings Ive ever given. Blessing her to be healed, not 2 seconds passed and she was back asleep. Her body convulsed again, and after a quick prayer she stopped. The paramedics eventually came to us on the side of the road, taking her to a nearby hospital. It was scary but it was incredible to see that kind of a miracle right there and then. I call it the miracle on the bus.
I hope that all of you have an unforgettable holiday season as you let the light of the Savior come into your life through love and obedience to His commandments. I know Ill be trying pretty hard to. I love each and every one, and I testify that Jesus is the very Christ, and that He lives and loves each and every one of us. As we come to Him, He will heal us through the Atonement. And so I testify in His name, Jesus Christ, amen.
With all my love,

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Konnichiwa!! Hows everyone doing? Hows December treating you now. Cold? Over here, ...`not so much`.
Anyways, now that were over my terrible English, not much has happened this last week. It was good and weve been able to find some good people to teach. Recently the number of people in our teaching pool has increased (a lot - and dramatically when compared to the missionaries in the past)- however hard it is to get appointments with people. The members, especially the Bishop and our Ward Mission Leader are really thrilled with whats happening in the ward. They are super excited and keep telling us that they dont want us to ever transfer haha.
Although were hearing that, I feel like we could do so much more. My vision of this area is over 4 times of what were doing right now. I feel like were working hard, but not as effective as we could. For example, time wasted on travel, not being effective when visiting members, etc.
Its been an incredible past few months in this wonderful city that has grown in my heart. The members are incredible. The finding - while difficult - is fun. And weve been able to see so many miracles. Many which happened within myself. But, all these things are just a shadow of I think the Lord has in store for this place. Like Paul, I resound, "Although I sound with the tongue of angels, if I have not charity, I am nothing." Like "tinkling cymbals". And thats where we come back to. The old age problem (and the sister missionaries complaint) "I dont have enough charity." Thats something Ive been working really hard on lately. "Why do I want to see baptisms?" "Why do I want to teach more?" "Why do I want to find people?"It all lies in love - or better, charity, the pure love of Christ. The same love that endured until death, that has patience with my weaknesses, my sins, and mistakes, and the same love that freely forgives. If my motives are pure in the Lord, I can become a stronger instrument in His hands.
I love this work. I love Japan and the Japanese people. But I need to love them more. But not just them, everyone. If I seek to love God, I need to seek to love my fellow brothers and sisters more too. And that love fills with joy and peace. Its incredible.
I love you all, and I hope that together, we can all seek to develop that kind of love by asking the Father, this Christmas season, as we remember the birth of Him who loves us so much, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao
Japan Hiroshima Mission