Monday, June 29, 2009

A marvelous work and a wonder!

Hello everyone! How are you? I hope this e-mail finds you well, healthy and abounding in the joy of the Restored Gospel! It truly is amazing to have the opportunity to have Prophets and Apostles on the earth in these days, especially when conditions are much less than favorable.
It is also a privilege to be here and performing the work of the Lord in this part of His vineyard and helping to move along this amazing work. We're seeing miracles in our own ways, and the Lord has been blessing us with much needed strength and revelation to help move forward here. This last week, we were able to meet with the Izumi family and we invited them to be baptized in the end of July. Well, they accepted, and I really prayed about it and we're gonna pray with them tonight to set in stone the 25th of July. It was amazing. I've been feeling the Spirit work so much more through me now as I truly try to align my will with the Lord's. They just accepted it and they had to check the calender to make sure it was ok hehe. They're awesome!
We got a new investigator, his name is Bobo (nickname actually) and this last week's lesson was amazing! He said he felt really peaceful as we talked and prayed and he really wants to find out if God is there or not. So we give him the Book of Mormon and tell to read and pray! That simple! It's amazing! He is so nice and we're excited to teach him - he's Chinese.
We've recently been able to have really powerful lessons and the Spirit has just been so strong and guiding me to be more bold. It's been a great journey, and I'm sad that it's at the halfway point now - time is just too fast.
I wish you all well, and I will continue to pray for you guys. I know God lives and guides this work. Jesus is the Christ, and He is our Redeemer from the darkness of sin and disbelief. I love this Gospel and I hope that you may have opportunities to have your won testimony strengthened this week.

Elder Victor M. S. Mourao

Monday, June 22, 2009


How's it going? Man, this week was just so full of miracles. It was an amazing week. The Lord is blessing this mission so much and I know that we're just getting closer and closer to seeing many mighty miracles happen.
We were finally able to have a lesson with Fabio and his wife and kid - they are just unbelieavable! We were just making small talk when he pulls out the Book of Mormon and tells me about when he started reading it. He couldn't understand all of the words because it is a difficult read, but he liked it, and he actually wants to read together with us to get the full meaning of it all. We taught him prayer and the origin of the Book of Mormon. It was a really wonderful time. His wife made us dinner, and afterwards he drove us home - where we then talked some more, and even talked a little bit about the Atonement among other things. He is really becoming more of a friend than an investigator, which actually makes it easier to start Gospel conversations. It's been going really great, and they're an amazing family. They just need the Holy Ghost, priesthood, and Temple marriage! I love them, and they're just wonderful.
Then Cleiton and Eline are still hanging in there, they're reading the Liahona just like 90% of all other Mormons do it: in that special thinking place, you know what I'm talking about...:). They're good and they actually invited us to lunch on saturday and guess who also comes: Fabio and Glaucia - they live 2 doors down. It was really good and had the chance to teach about Christ coming to the America's. It was really special, and I hope that they grew in their desire to come back and get baptized.
The Izumis are still doing good, it was hard to teach them last week because in order to teach them, we need to have priesthood holders in to join the lesson (else we can't go in), and because no other members were able to come, we had to stand outside their apartment and teach them.... then this week's family home evening appointment too, got cancelled. They're there, and we really want to invite them to be baptized this week, so that's our focus. I feel that it will happen! Please pray for them!
Then, we also met with Sonny again, and had a member joint for us, and it was amazing. It was really led by the Spirit and we felt like we got him to think about things, and had a chance to really learn about him, and see how similar our religions acutally are. It's amazing. Now, it's just helping him know the truths that he doesn't know yet.
This work is true, and the Lord Jesus Christ lives. He atoned for our sins, and He is the Savior of the world. I hope that you all may have opportunities to grow closer to the Savior and walk in His steps. I love you all and pray for your happiness and safety. Until next week,

Elder Mourao

Monday, June 15, 2009


Hey everyone, how are you doing? It's been a few hectic days here at the Mission Office, but things are finally settling down after the transfer period. Well, as you might have noticed, I did not transfer - which means I get to spend another fun 6 weeks with my awesome companion, Elder Goto, and working with our investigators here in HIkari. I feel a baptism.
So we were at prayer meeting with the President and the APs and just talking about how transfers went, and the new AP, Elder Bishoff, mentioned how he liked having me here. He likes me and Elder Goto, and said, if it were up to him, he'd have me stay here another 4 transfers (or another 6 months). We were all kind of joking, but we all looked at President Isa, and he sat back in his chair, and while looking at the ceiling, just slowly nodded. Well, I don't know if he meant that or not, but it sounds like I'm going to be here for a little while hehehe. Even my companion told me that I'll be here longer than him (which is weird, because the commissarian job is a much more demanding task than mine, usually having missionaries here for at least 6months). No comment....
So this week, our actual working time wasn't that long (because of transfers), but we did see some good things happening. The Izumi family is still on track, and we've got another family home evening with them tonight. They're just unbelievable! The mom is still praying like a seasoned veteran, and the children are all praying and reading too. The thing that touched me the most was when she said the youngest daughter (Michela, 4) got her older sisters to pray as a family while their mom was at work. In her prayer she thanked Heavenly Father for "how cute her mom was, and how cool she is" - she didn't mention anything about her sisters, but it's ok, we'll work on love later down the road, hehe.
Then we were able to meet with Mr. Karunjanwan - or Sonny, for short. He is a 35 year-old grad student who attends Hiroshima University (a well-respected institution in Japan), from Indonesia. He became an investigator on Saturday, and he's amazing! He has a family back home, and he was really excited to learn about the Book of Mormon and our Church. We're meeting with him next weekend. And he's even gonna start introducing us to his other Indonesian friends. He even took us out to lunch on saturday!!
The work here is going amazing. I love this country, and I've been amazed at the blessings poured out from Heaven. I've noticed my own testimony growing, and especially my love for the scriptures. I finished the Book of Mormon again and as I flipped through its pages and held it in my hands (as well as the other standard works) I just felt overwhelmed at the power it contains. It truly is God's words. It came through HOly Prophets of God, and restored by a latter-day prophet. I love it. It's true. I encourage all who read this message, to read it, study it, ponder, and pray for enlightenment, and it will change your life, given you renewed strength, and peace in your days. And as you follow it, more happiness is to come in this life.
I love you all, and I continue to pray for you. Please pray for the Japanese people. And also others around the world. They need His love. We, as His children, need His love. I miss you, and hope all is well. I'll wait for the e-mails!
Oh, and one more thing. Sonny:
....yeah, he's Muslim.

Elder Mourao

Monday, June 8, 2009


How's it going? Sounds like things are still pretty interesting on your side of the pond - well, just outside the missionary world really. If you don't have people infected with pig diseases, you have airliners disappearing in the ocean. It's a crazy world right now, that's why I'm thankful for the Gospel. It helps us to know that there is meaning to all of this, and I know that if we come closer to Heavenly Father, we can have a stronger assurance in this life. It's truly an amazing power. This week was definitely interesting, and while not that busy, it felt just rushed by. The Izumi family is coming along good, we have family home evening with them tonight, so we're pretty excited. They've been reading the Book of Mormon, and they're also praying. It was really exciting to teach them to pray, because they really had no idea of how to do it, and especially the mom really likes it. She says she prays 4 or 5 times a day now! We're prettty excited about them, and just as I felt the confirmation before, I feel that they'll be baptized while I'm still here in this area. Hopefully we can talk a little bit more about baptism this week.
We really didn't have that many lessons this week, but we were able to spend some really good evenings with some members. It just amazes me every time: they are probably the only Christian family in the 5-block radius that they're in, and out of 300,000 people that live in this area (if not more), only them and 80 others come to Church every Sunday. That is faith. That is dedication because they know of God's promised blessings. And truly, the Gospel has that power. I really undermined that before I came, but I've started to realize that what we're telling people is the most powerful force in this planet. And when the Spirit testifies to those that are prepared, it's just unbelievable! I'm so grateful to be here. I'm grateful for the members in Japan, and all their sacrifices, their love, and help. They're truly examples here. And sure, Church here, has a little different feel, but when you see people from 5 or 6 different countries, hearing the Gospel in 5 or 6 different languages; hearing how they are children of God, and that through His plan, they can be happy here, and in eternity; all while meeting in this (by American standards) tiny meeting house in Hiroshima Japan: that just blows my mind! It's all one truth, and it's being told to every one in their own tongue, and language. All because one young boy decided to kneel down, and ask his Father in Heaven for guidance. One prayer. One simple act of faith. Wow. We've been really blessed lately. We're seeing so many miracles and success. Of course, the mission is hard, but it's fun - and rewarding. I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I look back, and it's been almost a year since I went into the MTC in Provo, UT, and what a year it's been! This work is just amazing.
And I've seen myself changing, improving, and slowly becoming a better person (i think... better yet, I hope :) ). But it's so amazing, because it's not me doing the change. I can't change my desires and appetites as much as a monkey can't will himself to think as a human being. However, there's a stronger power acting on me, and it's through the Atonement. Not only does it overcome Spiritual and Physical death, it also helps those who are willing to submit to the Father to become better persons and to really have a true change of heart. And through the Holy Ghost, this mighty change of heart is wrought upon us, so that we have no more desire to do evil, and like Nephi, to despise sin. (well, I'm not quite there yet, but I'm working on it). And just seeing that change in others is unbelievable! It's truly a wonder. Kinda makes you think huh?
Well, I hope all is well, and that you are all happy in spite of the world circumstances. Just remember what the Savior said: be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. It's true, He has. Love,

Elder Mourao

Monday, June 1, 2009

Anatagata ga zokon desu!‏

Hey sorry, but this one is going to be really short. We came back from the Mazda museum this afternoon and after a migrane, I'm not feeling too good - so I was resting most of the day. We got an appointment tonight with some members, but hopefully I'll be ok until then.
This week has just been full of miracles. We got the Izumi family to become investigators, and it sounds like they're reading and trying to pray everyday. And the Kiwaki (peruvian) looks pretty good too. Transfers are next week, so I had to finish the new recorder manual - I don't know if I'll be transferred or not, so we'll see. If I am, you will know next monday before transfers.
I love you, miss you all. This is truly God's work, and I'm deeply grateful to be here. Trust the Lord, and seek to align your goals with His, and He'll guide you in all things which will bring you true happiness.

Elder Mourao